Publish dateThursday 10 October 2024 - 18:21
Story Code : 298368
Faryab gas reserves contract signed with Uzbek company / 10-year plan with $1 billion investment
The contract for the exploration and extraction of the Toti Maidan gas reserves in Faryab province was signed with an Uzbek company at a ceremony in Kabul on Thursday in the presence of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the brother of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, and Esmatullah Argashov, the Special Representative of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines and Petroleum on Thursday signed a contract with an Uzbek company called Ariel Group to explore and extract gas reserves in the Toti Maidan gas reserves in Jawzjan province.
The agreement was signed at the government media center in the presence of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, Deputy Economic Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate, and Esmatullah Argashov, Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan.
The Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan said that the relations between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan are very good and friendly and the signing of this agreement shows more cooperation between the two countries, which will also provide jobs for many Afghan workers. .
He added that the Uzbek government will continue its cooperation with Afghanistan and will try to provide job opportunities for many Afghans in the common market between the two countries.
Meanwhile, Mullah Hedayatullah Badri, acting head of the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, said during the signing of the contract that the block, with an area of ​​7,000 square kilometers, belongs to the Amu Darya basin, located in Jawzjan province.
Badri added that Ariel Group, with the help of its Afghan partner Kam Energy, will invest $100 million in the first year and $1 billion in 10 years.
According to him, under the contract, the company will also generate 100 MW of electricity from gas in the first two years, which is a positive step in increasing electricity.
In the first three years, Ariel Group will conduct at least 1,500 square kilometers of two-dimensional and 1,000 square kilometers of three-dimensional surveys, which will eventually lead to the discovery of new gas resources in the country and professional extraction.
The first year of the contract is a trial period and if the company does not fulfill its commitments in the first year, the contract will be cancelled.
The Islamic Emirate has handed over the extraction of the Qashqari oil field in Sar-i-Pul and other oil fields in the Amu Darya basin in Jawzjan and Faryab to a Chinese company.
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