Publish dateTuesday 2 July 2024 - 10:27
Story Code : 292854
French charities have condemned the "social cleansing" of migrants ahead of the Paris Olympics
Despite denials from officials, data shows a significant rise in eviction orders, French media reports indicate.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: The claims are supported by evidence from various non-profits, documenting methods used to “manage” vulnerable populations in the Paris region before and during the Games, according to French media reports. 
While authorities deny these accusations, the impact on those affected is significant. The controversy gained momentum following a major eviction on April 17, 2024, when hundreds of migrants were cleared from France’s largest squat in Vitry-sur-Seine, a Southern suburb of Paris. 
The operation came just a day after the Olympic flame was ceremonially lit in Greece. Migrants were encouraged to board buses destined for other parts of France. 
This was the third such eviction in the Ile-de-France region since the start of 2023, with earlier operations in April and July of 2023 removing hundreds from squats near the Olympic Village and in Thiais.
The actions have drawn sharp criticism from associations assisting vulnerable populations. In October 2023, over 80 non-profits formed the umbrella group Le Revers de la Medaille ("The Other Side of the Medal") to condemn what they termed “social cleansing”.
Paul Alauzy, a spokesperson for Le Revers de la Medaille and a campaigner for migrant safety at Medicines du Monde, told France 24 that “eviction operations are not new, but their frequency and the systematic relocation to other regions have increased as the Games approach”. 
A report by these associations, covering April 2023 to May 2024, highlights a marked increase in evictions and relocations. 
“The Olympic and Paralympic Games are accelerating the dispersal and removal of people in vulnerable situations,” the report claims, noting that the homeless, migrants, Roma people, sex workers, and drug users are particularly targeted.
Despite denials from officials, data shows a significant rise in eviction orders, French media reports indicate. The Observatories des expulsions de lieux de vie informers documented a threefold increase in forced removals in the Paris region over the past three years. 
In addition, the Law Access Collective (CAD) reported a growing use of administrative procedures offering temporary housing solutions.
The Paris mayor’s office responded to the criticism.
“Emergency accommodation is a national government responsibility. The city's policy is based on no eviction without providing an alternative solution and ensuring operations respect people and their property,” it said./Fars news
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