Publish dateTuesday 12 September 2023 - 09:55
Story Code : 276502
The increase in misbehavior of Pakistani police with Afghan immigrants, after the conflict in Torkham crossing
The Council of Afghan Migrants in Pakistan says that after the border clashes between the Afghan and Pakistani forces, the Pakistani police in the city of Karachi have innocently arrested and harassed more than 100 Afghan migrants.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Mir Ahmad Rauf, the head of the Council of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan, says that after the border clashes between Afghan and Pakistani forces, the Pakistani police in the city of Karachi have innocently arrested and harassed more than 100 Afghan refugees. .
Stating that the arrests have caused a lot of concern among Afghan immigrants, he added that under the pretext of illegal immigrants, very heavy fines are also collected from Afghans.
Faizullah Turk, an Afghan immigrant in Pakistan, says: We saw that the Pakistani police arrested more than a hundred people in the city of Karachi yesterday, and this process continues.
On the other hand, Sarfraz Bugti, the Minister of Interior of Pakistan, warned of the deportation of illegal immigrants in Pakistan, and emphasized on the implementation of a plan to return the immigrants to their country.
Sarfraz Bugti said: We have created a program that has been approved by the Pakistan Strategic Forces Department.
Based on this plan, as many illegal immigrants as are present in Pakistan, whichever country they are from, will receive a warning and be returned to their country. But legal immigrants can be present in our country like any other country.
Sarafraz Bugti also said that the members of the Tehreek-e-Taliban group entering Pakistan from Afghanistan are terrorists if they are Afghans or not, and Islamabad will respond to their attacks.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Refugees and Returnees requests the hosts of Afghan refugees, especially Pakistan, to comply with the international rights of refugees.
Abdulmutallab Haqqani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Migrants and Returnees told the media that we ask all the host countries to treat Afghans humanely and give them the rights given to them based on international laws.
This is despite the fact that two days ago, the Karachi police of Pakistan had arrested 121 Afghan immigrants.
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