Publish dateMonday 19 June 2023 - 14:15
Story Code : 272002
As a result of the attack of extremist groups on a school in Uganda, 41 people were killed
International media have reported that the members of the extremist group known as "Jihad" attacked a school in western Uganda from East African countries and killed at least 41 people, most of whom were students.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): International media, quoting local sources, reported that at least 41 people, mostly students, were killed in an attack on a school in western Uganda on Saturday morning, 17th of June.
It has been said that this incident, which is the worst deadly attack of its kind in Uganda in recent years, was carried out by extremist groups known as "Jihadists".
Euronews reported that Ugandan military and police officials attributed the attack to members of the United Democratic Forces, an Islamist militant group formerly allied with ISIS.
After the bloody attack on this school located in an area near the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the attackers fled to the Virunga National Park in Congo and took six people as hostages.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has "strongly" condemned the early Saturday morning attack on the Ugandan educational center and called for the immediate release of the hostages.
In addition to poverty and economic backwardness, African countries are facing a wave of extremist attacks and tribal wars.
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