Publish dateFriday 19 July 2024 - 11:22
Story Code : 293741
Iran-Afghanistan trade through Dogaron border reaches more than $3 billion annually
Mehdi Shirdel, the governor of Taibad city of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that the level of trade between Iran and Afghanistan through the Dogaron/Islam Qala border reaches more than $3 billion annually.
Afghan Voice Agency (ANA) - Mashhad: Mehdi Shirdel, the governor of Taibad district of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on Thursday during a visit of a group of officials of Fars province of the country to the land border of Dogaron, which borders the Islam Qala dam in Herat, said: Iran-Afghanistan trade through the Dogaron border reaches more than $3 billion annually, indicating the high economic relations between the two countries.
He added: Dogaron is the most important economic center of Iran with Afghanistan, which exports goods from Iran and Khorasan Razavi province to this country, supplying the market of 30 million people in the eastern neighborhood.
He also added: We have used all the strength and capacities of the city to remove the obstacles facing the Dogaron economic zone, which has led to the satisfaction of the Afghan government.
He said: Now more than 1,200 Iranian and Afghan trucks / cars travel daily through the border between the two countries, the development of this sector requires the synergy of all national and provincial devices.
The Iranian official also added: "To create sustainable security on the border, we need sustainable employment in the region, which is an opportunity to provide part of the livelihood and economy of families living in this border area.
Meanwhile, Jafar Ghaderi, a representative of the people of Shiraz and Zarqan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, also mentioned the neighborhood of Taibad in eastern Khorasan on Iran's border with Afghanistan as a golden opportunity for Iran's economy. The economy of the region and Iran.
According to the Iranian MP, Dogaron crossing is the most important economic gateway of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Afghanistan, which plays a great role and influence in the economy of Khorasan Razavi province of this country.
He said that all capacities should be used for the prosperity of this official border, which is more than 110 years old, and that this will lead to the establishment of interactions between the two countries in the economic, cultural and social fields.
He pointed out that Dogaron is a bridge between Iran and Central Asian countries, adding: With the provision of the necessary platforms and infrastructure in this economic center, the Afghan market and the target markets of this country can also be taken over, which will boost Iran's economy. It will transform.
The member of the Economic Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran continued: Developing relations with neighboring countries was one of the most important policies of the 13th government, which was successful in this sector and also led to good achievements.
The Iranian MP said one of the important capacities of Iran's Taibad is tourism and therapy and said: Activating the health tourism sector in this city (district) for the treatment of Afghan patients is a necessity, because in addition to attracting revenue for the country and the region, The development of the health sector in this border area also brings.
According to IRNA, the largest volume of work in the Dogaron Special Economic Zone is the transit of goods through Bandar Abbas. Goods from Afghan, Pakistani, sometimes Indian and other countries are transported to Bandar Abbas and Bandar Langa customs through the Persian Gulf countries and from there to the official Dogaron border crossing.
It is worth mentioning that the border terminal and Dogaron Special Economic Zone of Iran is located 18 kilometers from the city of Taibad and is adjacent to the Islam Qala border of Herat province.
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