Publish dateTuesday 20 December 2022 - 09:50
Story Code : 262594
Establishing a free educational center for children in Balkh province
Five young girls in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, by setting up a free educational center for deserving and homeless children, say: Every young person has a responsibility towards his community to transfer his literacy and knowledge through holding different classes.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mazar-e-Sharif: Zahra Sediqi, the head of the free school center for needy children, stated that the purpose of setting up these classrooms is to fight against ignorance and illiteracy in the country and says: to increase the motivation of science and education.
She, who is the only girl in her family and more literate among the children of her family, considers it an honor to create free education for her kind and said that every young person has a responsibility towards his community to transfer his knowledge and literacy through holding different classes. .
The founder of this educational center says: The children of families who are educated here are busy working on their agricultural land every day and cannot afford to buy a book and a pen.
According to her, so far none of the foreign and government aid agencies have taken any action in the direction of preparing stationery for the graduates of this center.
Ms. Sediqi added that the students of this school, whose number reaches more than one hundred, are from the families of internally displaced people, and most of them are not able to study in public schools due to the lack of three cloths.
In addition to that, Asal Selahshor, one of the professors of this educational center said that if the teaching moment and the basic needs of a student are provided (a suitable place, a chair, a board and a stove), she says: she has the capacity to have his own work area.
At the same time, Ammar, one of the students who studies in this school, expressing his satisfaction with the provision of free lessons, says that we can learn the Holy Quran, Dari, Math and English by participating in the classes of this educational center.
Fatima, another student of this literacy center, said that she learns from five teachers every day.
This is despite the fact that the issue of opening girls' schools is still on the table of the officials of the Islamic Emirate, and according to them, this government adheres to the rights of women by observing the divine decrees and they are looking for a better plan so that girls can study and study in a safe environment. Continue their education.
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