Publish dateSaturday 29 June 2024 - 14:03
Story Code : 292670
The purpose of participating in the Doha meeting is to interact more with the world/ Key issues inside Afghanistan are not discussed in this meeting!
The general spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, in a news conference in Kabul, said that the purpose of the participation of the delegation of Afghanistan in the third meeting of Doha is greater understanding and interaction with the international community, saying that key issues inside Afghanistan will not be discussed in this meeting. Zabihullah Mujahid said that in this meeting, no other real and legal person will participate on behalf of Afghanistan except the Islamic Emirate, and there will be a discussion about removing some restrictions and suspicions about the situation in Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The press conference of Maulvi Zabihullah Mujahid, the general spokesman of the Islamic Emirate today (Saturday, June 29) in order to provide information about the participation of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate in the third meeting of Doha, with the presence of dozens of journalists and media officials at the Information Center and Government media was held in Kabul.

Zabihullah Mujahid said in this meeting that the trip of the representatives of the Islamic Emirate to the third meeting in Doha is for the purpose of interaction with all parties and this meeting should be used properly.

He stated that the international community should not leave Afghanistan alone in difficult situations and that countries should fulfill their obligation towards our country, which is to restore and strengthen the economic conditions, adding that Afghanistan is the common home of all the citizens of the country.

The general spokesman of the Islamic Emirate stated that the purpose of the participation of the delegation of Afghanistan in the third meeting of Doha is greater understanding and interaction with the international community and countries and said: "We want constructive interaction with the international community and we are working to improve the country's conditions".

According to his words, key issues will not be discussed at the Doha meeting and only the messages of the Islamic Emirate will be conveyed to the world community.

Mujahid did not consider the presence of the representatives of the Islamic Emirate in the Doha meeting as a privilege from the international community and added that no real or legal personality other than the representatives of the Islamic Emirate will participate in this meeting on behalf of Afghanistan.

This official of the Islamic Emirate added that our request at the third meeting of the Doha meeting of the United Nations is to eliminate some restrictions and suspicions about the situation in Afghanistan.

According to him, economic issues, oppressive sanctions, the achievements of the Islamic Emirate and recounting the realities inside Afghanistan are among the issues that Afghan representatives will discuss in the third Doha meeting.

The spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate added that the Doha meeting is not for the permanent solution of Afghanistan's problems and 6 people from different government ministries will participate in this meeting on behalf of Afghanistan.

He stated that Afghanistan's internal issues such as women's work, girls' education and inclusive governance will not be discussed in the third Doha meeting, but will be discussed on issues related to the international community.

Mujahid also informed about the visit of the representatives of the Islamic Emirate on the sidelines of the third Doha meeting with different parties and said that some rights of the Afghan people, which are usurped or not given by the countries, will be discussed in the third Doha meeting.

Referring to the recent UN report on Afghanistan, he stated that this report was based on the wishes of some countries and the realities of Afghanistan were not taken into consideration.

The spokesman of the Islamic Emirate stated that Afghanistan has a stability and added that Afghanistan is not in a crisis and the political issues have been resolved to some extent.

According to him, the Islamic Emirate has good economic and political relations with different countries, and Afghanistan has diplomatic relations with more than 36 countries.

In his recent speech, he stated that there is no dispute or conflict between the officials of the Islamic Emirate and denied the publication of some media reports that there is a dispute between the officials of the Islamic Emirate.

The third Doha meeting is scheduled to be held on the 10th and 11th of Cancer, hosted by the United Nations in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

The special representatives of countries in Afghanistan affairs will also attend this meeting. Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, is supposed to participate in this meeting on behalf of Afghanistan at the head of a delegation.
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