Publish dateSaturday 29 June 2024 - 09:32
Story Code : 292638
Some news sources in the Islamic Republic of Iran say that the 14th presidential election of this country has most likely been extended to the second round due to the unofficial results of the counting of votes. According to the announcement of 14 million votes counted, Masoud Pazishkian with nearly 6 million votes and Saeed Jalili with more than 5.5 million are in close competition with each other.
Afghan News Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Tasnim news agency wrote in a report on this matter: Based on the votes counted so far, Messrs. Madzikian and Jalili will go to the second round, and on 29th June, we will witness the second round of the presidential election.
On the other hand, Tasnim's hearings about this election indicate that about 40% of Iranian people participated in it.
However, according to the latest vote counting statistics of Iran's presidential election, Masoud Pazishkian and Saeed Jalili are still in close competition, and it is likely that the second round of this election will be held with the presence of these two.

The Election Headquarters of Iran has announced the results of the counting of 14,070,462 votes, based on which, the latest status of the votes of the election candidates is as follows:
- Masoud Pazishkian: 5,955,781
Saeed Jalili: 5,560,321
Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf: 1,891,385
Mustafa Pourmohammadi: 111,967
Based on this, the presence of the doctors and Jalili in the second round of the Iranian presidential elections is almost certain.

According to Articles 12, 13, and 14 of Iran's Presidential Election Law, the election of the president of this country is by obtaining an absolute majority of votes, and if none of the candidates get an absolute majority in the first stage, the election will be held in two stages; This means that the two candidates who have the most votes in the first stage participate in the second stage elections. The second round of elections will be held on Friday next week.
The spokesperson of Iran's election headquarters also says: whoever can get "half plus one" of the total number of valid and invalid votes, is the winner of the election; Otherwise, the 2 people who got the most votes compete in the second round of the election.
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