Publish dateSunday 16 August 2020 - 15:53
Story Code : 216886
Kashmiris will never accept forcible occupation of their motherland: APHC
General Secretary of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Molvi Bashir Ahmad has said the Kashmiri people have sent a clear message to India and international community that they reject Ghasbana Qabza of their motherland through observing India’s Independence Day on August 15 as Black Day.
According to Kashmir Media Service, he urged India refrain from oppressing the Kashmiri people as use of brute force cannot prevent them from their just struggle for securing right to self-determination as it is a matter of life and death for the people Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
He appealed the international human rights organizations to break the criminal silence and take notice of the human rights violations by Indian occupying troops in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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