Publish dateThursday 1 September 2022 - 10:02
Story Code : 257943
Hussaini Mazari at the meeting of "Arbain Hussaini and parties supporting the resistance" in Tehran;

The resistance axis countries should use their capacity to solve the problem of issuing Iraqi visas to Afghan pilgrims

The resistance axis countries should use their capacity to solve the problem of issuing Iraqi visas to Afghan pilgrims
In his speech at the meeting of "Arbaeen Hussaini and the parties supporting the resistance in Tehran", the head of the Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities, referring to the special conditions of this year's Arbain Hussaini ceremony after the spread of the Corona virus, spoke about the problem of the Afghan people in obtaining Iraqi visas and the representatives He requested the officials of the resistance parties and countries of the resistance axis to use their capacity and hold the hands of the people of Afghanistan so that the problem of issuing Iraqi visas to Afghan pilgrims can be solved.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The meeting of "Arbaeen Hussaini and the parties supporting the resistance" was attended by the leaders and representatives of the resistance parties from the resistance countries, including Hojjat al-Islam wal Muslimin Seyyed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of the Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center of Afghanistan, daily It was held on Wednesday, August 31, by Iran's Islamic Mutalfa Party in Tehran. In this meeting, the speakers talked about the importance of Arbaeen Hussaini procession and how to organize pilgrims and the role of resistance parties.
Hojjat al-Islam Walmusmin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of the Tebyan Center for Social Cultural Activities and the Afghan Voice (Ava) news agency, who spoke at this meeting, stated that this year's situation surrounding the Arbaeen debate is a very special one, and added: This year's Arbaeen is one of the It is the side of the first Arbaeen after the outbreak of Corona. During the past few years, the sending of pilgrims faced problems, but this year, millions of pilgrims from all over the world are expected to go to Iraq.
The enemy's attempt to disrupt the grand ceremony of Hussaini's Arbaeen
He further added: On the other hand, the enemy has naturally entered the field in an organized manner, so that with his efforts and conspiracies, in any way, he can create obstacles or hinder the grand ceremony of Hussaini's Arbaeen procession, or at least the Arbaeen ceremony under the influence of events. , to put artificial and made-up issues and problems.
This is where the head of Tebyan Center emphasized: The responsibility and duties of the resistance parties in such conditions are multiplied many times. Because the resistance parties naturally pay special attention to the Arbaeen debate; Because Arbaeen itself is a very suitable platform for justifying and explaining goals and also reflecting the goals and plans of resistance and the axis of resistance at the global level, and on the other hand, resistance can use this platform in order to strengthen and integrate organizations. Parties and aligned currents exploit. Therefore, the resistance parties are naturally aware of their duties and responsibilities in order to celebrate Arbaeen as grandly as possible.
Afghanistan is one of the axis countries of resistance/people's wandering because of Iraqi visa
He pointed out: Afghanistan is one of the countries that can be mentioned as the axis of resistance. During these years, many currents in Afghanistan have been prominent as fighters against the goals and policies of the United States, and especially the Islamic Emirate, which currently holds the sovereignty, is known as a major current opposing the policies of the United States in Afghanistan and can play a role. It will play a very good role in guiding the people of Afghanistan in the direction of sending to Iraq.
The head of the Afghan Voice (Ava) news agency said: "According to the circumstances, there has been more love and interest, organization and platform for sending Afghan pilgrims to Iraq than any other year, but unfortunately, the problem that has arisen for the people of Afghanistan this year, the discussion It is the Iraqi visa that is still not resolved and people are wandering.
This prominent political and social figure of Afghanistan asked the representatives and officials of the resistance parties and resistance countries to use their capacity and hold the hands of the Afghan people to solve the issue of issuing Iraqi visas to Afghan pilgrims. Of course, according to him, if the resistance currents can enter by organizing the people, they will naturally enjoy the status and favor of the people.
According to him: Apparently, one of the obstacles in the issue of Iraqi visas for Afghan pilgrims is the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. However, on the one hand, the Americans want the same issue, and on the other hand, if the Islamic countries are looking for the non-recognition of the Islamic Emirate; So, what about resistance and struggle against America and the mission of resistance parties and resistance countries?!
The resistance axis countries should take action to solve the Iraqi visa problem for the Afghans
This prominent religious scholar asked the countries of the axis of resistance to take the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan by the hand and use the Emirati especially in the discussion of the Arbaeen procession, so that they can make a serious contribution in this area and act effectively in line with the necessary coordination for the sending of pilgrims.
He warned: If we do not try in such a situation, the people of Afghanistan will naturally be deprived of attending Arbaeen, and this will be a big blow to the people of Afghanistan and the most resistant country against American policies.
Tebyan Center can play a good role in organizing Afghan pilgrims for Arbaeen
Recently, the general director of Tebyan Center stated that Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center is the only organization that works and is active in a comprehensive and national manner in Afghanistan, even after the Islamic Emirate regained control over the country, and has representative offices in different provinces of Afghanistan. , has also interacted with the Islamic Emirate and is not on the path of confrontation with it, he stated: Therefore, the Tebyan Center can play a very good role in organizing Afghan pilgrims to Arbaeen.
According to him, if we can solve the visa issue of the Afghan people in such a situation, we will be of great help to the Afghan people.
This is Hussaini's line that today encourages people to stand up against oppression!
At the same time, Dr. Asadollah Badamchian, the Secretary General of the United Islamic Party of Iran, spoke about the importance of the Arbaeen issue and the enemies' obstacles to Hussaini's Arbaeen procession.
Majid Ammar, the representative of the Supreme Parliament of Iraq, while giving general explanations about the issue of Arbaeen and the efforts of the governments of Iran and Iraq to facilitate the presence of pilgrims and to hold the Arbaeen Hussaini ceremony as best and as magnificently as possible, about the cases and recent events in the country of Iraq and factors and its causes, as well as the position of authority, especially Ayatollah Haeri, and its effect in neutralizing organized sedition.
Majid Ammar pointed out: The enemies are trying to ignite the civil war in Iraq by using the salary men of the embassies of biased countries.
According to him: Arbaeen belongs to Imam Hussain (AS) and efforts should be made to enhance the role of Sunnis in this ceremony so that Arbaeen becomes wider and more fruitful.
Nasser Abu Sharif, the representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, also emphasized: attention to the resistance front and the turning of the people of the resistance countries towards the resistance parties should be given special attention and attention.
According to him: It was Hussaini's line that today encourages and urges our people to stand up against oppression and aggression and to train mujahid and heroic characters and present them to the axis of resistance.
Hojat al-Islam Wal-Muslimin Moradi, the representative of Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya community, also emphasized that the scope of the resistance axis should be expanded and said: Networking should be done, nations and organizations of the resistance axis should not act in isolation and focus on the enemy's code.
Ahmadi, the head of the cultural committee of Arbaeen Hussaini headquarters, also mentioned about the movement of Imam Hussain (AS) and its consequences and clarified: The message of the movement of Imam Hossein and Arbaeen Hussaini is liberating and saving, and fortunately, we have witnessed the formation of the axis in recent years. We are a resistance that is beyond the discussion of race, blood, ethnicity, etc.
According to him: the new Islamic civilization needs the unity and solidarity of the Islamic resistance parties and this unity can be manifested in the issue of Arbaeen. The issue of Arbaeen can be a neutral influence between the resistance parties and Arbaeen.
Ahmadi emphasized: The resistance parties should promote and institutionalize the values ​​that these parties are based on among the participants in Arbaeen Hussaini, and on the other hand, if these values ​​develop further, the resistance parties themselves will benefit.
Sajjadi, the International Vice President of the United Islamic Party of Iran, also pointed out the characteristics and commitments of the resistance parties, especially the United Party, such as the discussion of being committed to the legal guardianship and the issue of guardianship, as well as the philosophy of Arbaeen and the religious, political and social philosophies of Arbaeen Hussaini and the unity of resistance-oriented parties.
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