Publish dateTuesday 23 July 2024 - 09:27
Story Code : 293983
Zahir Qadir: America created the ISIS project in agreement with Ashraf Ghani under the pretext of destroying the "Taliban" in Afghanistan
Zahir Qadir, a former member of the Afghan House of Representatives, says that after the formation of the National Unity Government by former US Secretary of State John Kerry, this country created the ISIS project in agreement with the former President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, under the pretext of destroying the "Taliban" in the country.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zahir Qadir, a former member of the Afghan House of Representatives, published a post on the X social network, severely criticizing America's policy towards Afghanistan in the past 20 years, and identified this country as the cause of the emergence of ISIS in the country.

This member of the Afghan House of Representatives said that after the establishment of the national unity government by John Kerry, the US Secretary of State at the time, this country, which had a military presence in Afghanistan and agreed with Ashraf Ghani, the former president of Afghanistan, created the ISIS project under the pretext of destroying the Taliban group. 

He also added that after the establishment of the ISIS terrorist group in Afghanistan, this project became stronger and this group has committed a lot of violence against the people of Afghanistan.

As an example, Zahir Qadir has reminded that in 2018, when the Islamic Emirate showed resistance against the ISIS group, American planes bombed the bases of the Islamic Emirate and transferred important and key people of ISIS to safe areas.

This former member of the House of Representatives said that when I made these statements, the special representatives appointed by Ashraf Ghani did not take my statements seriously and called it an attempt to defame the government.

Referring to the support of the United States and the previous government of Afghanistan to the ISIS group, he added that this group was the common heritage of the United States and Ashraf Ghani, who brutally killed thousands of innocent Afghan citizens.

Appreciating the government of the Islamic Emirate for destroying the ISIS terrorist group, he also said that with the return of the Islamic Emirate to power, the remaining legacy of America and Ashraf Ghani, namely ISIS, has been completely destroyed.

It should be mentioned that during the Republic, at one point, this member of the House of Representatives claimed that the government of that time played a role in strengthening insecurity and the emergence of ISIS.

He, who is currently living in Afghanistan, has announced that after the fall of the republic, he is busy with his personal life and does not have any political activities.
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