Publish dateTuesday 16 July 2024 - 15:25
Story Code : 293607
The school of Imam Hussain (a.s.) as the inheritor of the divine prophets, is human-building and society-building
The representative of Hazrat Ayatollah Sistani (Mudazalah al-Aali) in the country during the ceremony of Ashura Hossein (AS) in Mazar-e-Sharif city said that Imam Hussein (AS) is the heir of the prophets and the blood of divine prophets and his revolution is human and society-building.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Mazar-e-Sharif: Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Haider Hashemi, the representative of Hazrat Ayatollah Sistani in the country and the Friday Imam of Soltanieh Mosque in Mazar-Sharif city, during the Ashura Hosseini ceremony in this city, said that the media is increasing the grandeur and glory of the mourning ceremony. Imam Hussain (AS) in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif and other cities, provinces and parts of the country should be highlighted and brought to the attention of the world.
He added: "The priority or mission of all divine prophets were two things, which include the awakening of the people and the fight against tyrants, and these two things are saviors for mankind."
Hojjat al-Islam Hashemi added that God's prophets accepted a lot of suffering, hardship and pain in order to awaken people and keep people away from tyranny and follow it, and let everyone know that piety and fear of unseemly actions are commanded by the Qur'an and the Prophet of Islam (PBUH). be
Pointing out that it is necessary for the media to convey the message of Ashura Hosseini (a.s.), he said: Imam Husain (a.s.) is the heir of all divine prophets and the blood of this great personality is the blood of all the prophets because the prophets of God faced tyranny and According to God's order, they were trying to awaken people.
This religious scholar stated that a number of God's prophets were martyred in the fight against the tyrants and according to the teachings of the Qur'an, there was no laxity, weakness, surrender or defeat in the prophets and Imam Hussein (pbuh) had all these characteristics, from In the same way, on the night of Ashura, he got the opportunity from the enemy to worship and fulfill the custom of servitude.
The representative of Hazrat Ayatollah Sistani (Mudazala Al-Aali) stated that Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) is the heir of the blood of the prophets, it is a fact and it is necessary for us and the Islamic governments to provide the context to hear the message and words of Imam Hussein (AS), because he He has taken unique actions in the field of awakening of Muslims and mankind.
He acknowledged that the school of Imam Hossein (a.s.) is a man-builder, community-builder and the foundation for the emergence of the savior of mankind, Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) It is the guidance of communities.
Hojjat al-Islam Hashemi said: Imam Hussein (a.s.) did not initiate the war and when Yazid's army wanted to attack, he stood in front of it and introduced himself and said to investigate about me and my ancestors and among the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.) are alive, ask because according to the words of the Messenger of God (pbuh), my brother and I are the leaders of youth from heaven.
He added that the propaganda machines of the time of Yazid had introduced the caliph of Muslims and Imam Hussain (a.s.) as a rebel and disturber, and therefore they did not listen to his words about truth, justice, freedom, humanity and Islam, and still these propaganda machines against Haq and pro are active.
He added: Karbala is the land of love, awakening, knowledge, perseverance and stability, and this is the truth, and according to God's order, we should not mix right with wrong, and unfortunately, today, the confusion of right and wrong is considered the source of problems in Islamic societies.
He claimed that today the governments are trying to prevent the people from becoming the voice of Imam Hussain's (a.s.) movement and they think that his uprising is a matter of dispute, but the school and character of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is a manifestation and axis of unity, because it is an insult. There is no place in Muharram and Ashura mourning gatherings, and the companions and wives of the Prophet (PBUH), especially Hazrat Aisha, have narrated a hadith describing Imam Hussain (PBUH).
Hojat al-Islam Hashemi said that providing security in the country has expanded the scope of mourning ceremonies and gatherings of Hossein (a.s.), but it is not enough and more efforts should be made in this field and the enemies do not want hypocrisy. and spread, but they were still unsuccessful and will continue to be.
Referring to the fact that Mu'awiya speared the Quran in front of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) to deceive his companions and added: "The Quran is misused without the Ahl al-Bayt, therefore Imam Hussain (a.s.) left Makkah for the divine rituals and the Hajj ceremony. And he chose Karbala so that the safe shrine of God would be protected and even during his martyrdom he prayed for the intercession of his ancestor's nation.
In his recent speech, he expressed the fatwa of the supreme authority of the world of Islam, Hazrat Ayatollah Sistani (Mudazala al-Ali) and said: Shia devotees are the sources of imitation, and our sources condemn insulting the companions and wives of the Prophet (PBUH).
On the other hand, a number of other speakers of this event said: Muharram and Ashura mourning have Quranic sources and the fate of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) are similar.
They added that Gaza is today's Karbala and the residents of occupied Palestine have been subjected to atrocities and crimes, and the followers of Imam Hussain (AS) will not allow more blood of an oppressed nation to be shed.
It should be noted that this ceremony was held in Soltanieh Mosque in Mazar-e-Sharif with the presence of about 10,000 people, both men and women.
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