Publish dateSunday 14 July 2024 - 10:10
Story Code : 293501
Hosseini Mazari in the presence of a group of students and clergy of the World Congress against Extremism and Takfiri Movements:

The Islamic Emirate's serious and decisive fight against Wahhabism/Republican period was freedom of speech, but there was no listening ear

The Islamic Emirate
During a speech in the presence of a group of students and clergy of the World Congress against Extremism and Takfiri Movements, the head of Tebyan Center emphasized the serious and decisive struggle of the Islamic Emirate government with Takfiri thought, especially Wahhabi thought; He pointed to the presence of thousands of Afghan doctors and masters and bachelors in Iran who should return to Afghanistan and said: We have a positive view on the situation in Afghanistan, and although we know there are threats, we will never stop working because of these threats.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Qom: Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hosseini Mazari, in the presence of a group of students of the World Congress against Extremism and Takfiri Movements, explained the situation in Afghanistan after the Islamic Emirate government took office.

Hosseini Mazari described the conditions of Afghanistan after the establishment of the Islamic Emirate as a good opportunity for healthy cultural and social activities and said: The clergy and some Shiite groups have a positive view of the current and future conditions of the country.

The head of the Tebyan Center pointed to the fight against all types of corruption, including administrative corruption, moral corruption, and financial corruption by the current government as one of its important management indicators, and said: "During the past three years, there has been a very serious fight against corruption at different levels of the country." 

Mentioning the Islamic Emirate's fight against takfir, especially Wahhabi thought, Hosseini Mazari noted: Government officials in various provinces have blocked hundreds of Wahhabi schools and are fighting this takfir movement with severity and determination.

However, this expert on political issues pointed to the lack of scholars and missionaries in Afghanistan and said: The Center for Cultural and Social Activities of Tebyan is actively working in the provinces of Afghanistan by adopting the approach of interacting with the government of Afghanistan.

According to Hosseini Mazari, the growth and excellence of religious education, thought and culture and the general economy of the people of Afghanistan is one of the very important goals of Tebyan Center's activity inside and outside the country.

Hosseini Mazari, in response to the question of one of the attendees about the freedoms in the republican government and the closed space in the current situation, said: To answer this question, we must first examine the achievements of the 20-year rule of Western henchmen in Afghanistan.

In continuation of the above article, the head of Tebyan Center added: The western-affiliated republic had a special focus on the youth of the country during the past two decades. In this regard, corrupting the society from a moral and religious point of view has been one of the fixed agendas of the West and its agents in Afghanistan.

In another part of his speech, Hosseini Mazari emphasized that the atmosphere inside the country is not the same as it is portrayed from outside the country. Or it is from those who want to justify their stay abroad, including the Islamic Republic, so they blacken the situation inside Afghanistan in order to continue their presence in Iran.

Pointing out that he had taken the strongest positions against them before the Islamic Emirate came to power, the head of the Tebyan Center added: After the Islamic Emirate came to power, we came to the conclusion that they do not have the approach of the government of their previous period. Therefore, we decided to go inside the country and be with our people, so we went inside with our colleagues in the Tebyan Center organization and continued our activities.

Hosseini Mazari also pointed to the pressures and hardships that were brought to the organization of the Tebyan center during this period, and he added: although there are problems at the level of Afghanistan, the government of the Islamic Emirate is far better compared to the government of the Republic.

He pointed out that during the republican era, freedom of speech may have been more, but it must be said that when the principle of Shiism is being destroyed, these freedoms were of no use. America followed the issue of moral, religious and financial corruption strongly and focused more on Shia areas.

Hussain Mazari pointed out that Westerners abused Afghan nationals due to economic and cultural poverty and said: The freedom of speech that existed during the republican period was not useful because due to the volume of Western activities in Afghanistan, there was basically no hearing.

This expert on political issues further pointed to some of the achievements of the government of the Islamic Emirate in the past three years and said: the collection and management of more than 3 million drug addicts, a serious and effective fight against poppy cultivation, the destruction of drug laboratories, extensive constructions, large national projects. Such as Qoshtape Canal and Salang Tunnel, accurate collection of taxes, serious attention to the security of Shia gatherings and gatherings, and non-discrimination in offices are part of these achievements.

Hosseini Mazari emphasized that when there is space and opportunity for activity in Afghanistan, he does not consider any factor to be a hindrance to activity, and said: We have capacities that we should take advantage of to be present in Afghanistan.

Referring to the presence of thousands of Afghan doctors and masters and bachelors in Iran who should return to Afghanistan, the head of Tebyan Center added: "We have a positive view of the situation in Afghanistan and we know that there are threats, but we never give up because of these threats." 

In the end, Hosseini Mazari considered the Afghanistan of 2024 to be very different from the past, and referring to Afghanistan's need for graduates of various fields, especially technical fields.
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