Publish dateTuesday 4 June 2024 - 14:10
Story Code : 291498
The first regional trip of the Acting Foreign Minister of Iran; Bagheri
Ali Bagheri, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, on his first regional trip with the aim of discussing bilateral relations with the Lebanese authorities as well as consulting on regional and international issues, especially the latest developments in Palestine, left for Beirut yesterday (Monday) and met with the Lebanese authorities.
Afghan News Agency (AVA) - International Service: Ali Bagherikani on his first trip as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran in the morning (Monday) with the aim of talking with Lebanese officials about the continuation and expansion of bilateral relations as well as consultation about regional and international issues in particular. The latest developments in Palestine, he went to Beirut and met with the Lebanese authorities.

Ali Bagheri, after meeting with the Foreign Minister of Lebanon in a joint press conference with Abdullah Bouhabib, thanked the authorities and the government of Lebanon for expressing sympathy with the government and people of Iran following the martyrdom of President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran continued: I also thank the Lebanese authorities for declaring three days of public mourning in this country following the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and Hossein Amirabdollahian and their companions.

Islamic resistance in Lebanon is the anchor of stability and peace in the region
Bagheri stated that the close relations between Lebanon and Iran is the main indicator of stability in the region, just as the Islamic resistance in Lebanon is the anchor of stability and peace in the region.

He added: "We have always set the agenda of consultation and consultation with the Lebanese authorities at different stages and various developments."
Bagheri also stated that the stability and development of Lebanon is the goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and emphasized: Lebanon's peace and security and efforts in this field have always been of interest to Iran.

The need for a collective movement of Islamic countries to confront the Zionist crime in Rafah
Bagheri added: In addition to the issues related to Lebanon, regarding the situation in Gaza and especially in Rafah, we consulted with the Lebanese Foreign Minister and we agreed on this matter, all the countries in the region, especially the Islamic countries, should take a collective action to counter the Zionists' aggression in Palestine, especially Rafah.

The continuation of the Gaza war weakens the chances of peace in the region
Abdullah Bouhabib, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, also said in this meeting: There is a consensus regarding the dangers caused by the continuation of the Gaza war.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon stated: The continuation of the war in Gaza and the ongoing crimes against the Palestinians weakens the chances of peace in the region.

Ali Bagheri met with the Prime Minister and Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament
The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran met and talked with the Prime Minister of Lebanon and the Speaker of the Parliament of this country in Beirut.
Nabih Berri, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, traveled to Tehran 2 weeks ago to participate in the funeral ceremony and pay respects to the martyrs of Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi (President of the Republic) and Hossein AmirAbdollahian (Minister of Foreign Affairs) of Iran and their companions.

The Zionist regime should get the left view of Lebanon out of its mind
Referring to the possibility of the Zionist regime encroaching on southern Lebanon, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran said: The Zionists are looking for an excuse to escape from the swamp. They should remove the left view of the dear land of Lebanon and the resistance of this country from their minds.

He emphasized: "The regime, which according to Biden's admission, is trapped in the Gaza swamp, if it has rationality, it will never get itself trapped in the Lebanese resistance."

Ali Bagheri, who is in Lebanon, answered reporters' questions after the second round of talks with the Lebanese Foreign Minister in a news conference at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bagheri expressed his gratitude for the visit of the Foreign Minister and Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament to Tehran to pay his respects to the martyrs of service, and stated that the interaction and cooperation between Iran and Lebanon is rooted in history. We are always in consultation with Lebanese friends, but this time I came to Lebanon specifically to thank the Lebanese government, people and high-ranking personalities, to ask the Lebanese government, nation and personalities for their sympathy and companionship with the people and government of Iran. Martyrdom of the Martyr President and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In response to a question, he said: Iran-Saudi relations are on the right track. Ever since the relations between the two countries were officially restored, many serious and effective measures and efforts have been made to expand relations in various fields.

The relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia are on the right track
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran added: Iran and Saudi Arabia have a serious will to create a region with peace through interaction and cooperation with other countries in the region.

Referring to his recent consultations with the Saudi Foreign Minister, Bagheri said: In these consultations, we had a discussion about the latest developments in Palestine and the recent confrontations of the Zionist regime in Gaza and Rafah, and both sides emphasized that effective, serious and fruitful measures should be taken to help the people. Palestine and stop these crimes.

normalization project; A failed trick
Regarding the normalization of relations with the Israeli regime, he continued: A few months or a few years ago, when the issue of normalizing the relations of some countries in the region with the Zionist regime was discussed, the regime did not have the abnormal situation that it has today among governments and nations. If the Zionists and their American and Western supporters have the ability, they should seek to ensure that the rest of the countries do not cut off their relationship with them.

Bagheri added: Today, the Zionists have no authority and legitimacy in any society, the people of the world recognize this regime as a child-killing regime. Therefore, the arguments for normalization are a failed trick against the failure of this regime and its supporters against the heroic resistance of the people of Gaza.

Iran's proposal to hold an extraordinary meeting of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Regarding Iran's diplomatic activities in the Gaza war, he said: Since the beginning of the Zionist aggression in Gaza, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always tried to take measures against the crimes of the Zionist regime to force this regime to stop the crimes and genocide. The continuous efforts of our martyred foreign minister and his numerous trips to the region have been aimed at stopping the Zionist genocide in Gaza and supporting the Palestinian people.

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran emphasized: "Today, stopping the Zionist crimes in Gaza, especially in Rafah, was on the agenda of the talks with the Lebanese authorities, and we emphasized on holding an extraordinary meeting of the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to create a collective movement to realize this goal." .

Bagheri clarified: In this context, I talked with some foreign ministers of Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Algeria, Qatar, and Pakistan, and today we also discussed this issue with high-ranking Lebanese officials.

In response to a question about the coordinated actions of the resistance in the last eight months, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran said: The main source of the "connected resistance" is the crimes of the Zionists in Gaza. In the past few months, when a limited ceasefire was implemented, some resistance fronts in the region stopped; Therefore, the interconnectedness of the resistance in the region and the fact that Gaza is the center in this matter shows that if the main root of Israeli crimes is extinguished, it will be easier to manage other resistance fronts.

In the continuation of the meeting, Bagheri stated: The stable, historical and stable position of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to support the golden triangle of the army, the government and Lebanon's resistance against Zionist aggression in the region.

The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic is based on strategic rationality
He continued: the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic is based on strategic rationality; Its main lines, which are formulated by a high mechanism in the Supreme National Security Council and approved by the country's highest official, the leadership, are fixed.
The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, referring to some comments about the support of the public opinion in the region for the resistance of the people of Gaza, said: The Palestinian nation has been defending its dignity, destiny and land for the past 75 years, and this is the natural right of every nation. Therefore, the synergistic and comprehensive movement of resistance in the defense of Gaza is a defense movement at the regional level; Therefore, what has happened in the past few months has shown the intellectual maturity of the people and the correct understanding of the threats of the Zionist regime against the nations and governments in the region.

Baqir emphasized: As the Supreme Leader emphasized in his recent message to the American youth and students about the recent movements in this country in support of the people of Gaza, today the resistance has gained a global scope.

Ali Bagheri met with Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah
The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran met and talked with Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Bagheri Kenny, starting his regional trip to Lebanon and Syria, met and consulted with Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bouhabib, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Speaker of the National Assembly Nabih Berri in Beirut.

The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran also paid his respects to the martyrs of the resistance by attending Al-Shaheda Cemetery. The head of Iran's diplomatic service also attended the grave of the mother of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, and recited Fatiha for her.
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