Publish dateSunday 19 November 2023 - 12:40
Story Code : 280652
The UN is concerned about the forced deportation of immigrants by Pakistan at the same time as the winter season begins
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has expressed concern over the forced deportation of hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees from Pakistan. At the same time, the head of human rights of this organization also called the extortion and destruction of property of Afghan immigrants unacceptable when they were deported from Pakistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: This organization has said that with the arrival of the cold season, Afghan refugees do not have shelter or jobs. Meanwhile, the government of Pakistan had given foreign refugees a deadline to leave the country until November 1.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in a report published on Friday, has announced that 350,000 refugees have returned to Afghanistan so far. This organization has said that Pakistan currently hosts 1.3 million registered Afghan refugees and another 840,000 people have citizenship cards.
Meanwhile, an estimated 1.5 million Afghan citizens live in Pakistan without documents.
However, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and humanitarian organizations are present to monitor and provide aid to the people at Torkham crossings in Nangarhar Province and Spinboldak in Kandahar Province.
This organization has also said that the return of hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees before winter will worsen the severe humanitarian crisis in the country and that this country with a lack of resources; including housing, health services and jobs.
"This mass influx has come at a bad time," said Leonard Zulu, UNHCR's representative in Afghanistan. We are facing a lack of humanitarian needs, and right now, there are a lot of people arriving, many without any family support or coping mechanisms. "The winter is very bitter and a difficult time is ahead."
On the other hand, the head of human rights of the United Nations is worried about the reports about the mistreatment, arrest, extortion and destruction of property of Afghan immigrants when they are deported from Pakistan.
Folker Turk says that many immigrants who enter Afghanistan with little financial resources have been forced to pay bribes or have their assets confiscated.
More than 300,000 migrants have returned to Afghanistan from Pakistan in just over a month. The head of the United Nations Human Rights has said that he is concerned about the reports of ill-treatment, arbitrary detention, destruction of property and extortion in the process of expelling Afghan citizens from Pakistan. The reports that the United Nations Human Rights Office says; It is a first-hand account of the arbitrary and abusive behavior of Pakistani authorities.
According to Amu, one of the immigrants said: "The reason for the deportation was that our time there was wasted and our whole life was ruined."
At the same time as the beginning of the cold season, the Acting Minister of Trade of the Islamic Emirate has also said that thousands of Afghan citizens who are deported by the Pakistani government are facing very difficult conditions in Afghanistan.
Nouruddin Azizi, Acting Minister of Trade, told Reuters in an interview on Thursday: "Winter is coming and I am sure that immigrants have many problems. Medical and health problems, food problems and winter and cold.
Azizi added: "Since the issue is people's property, it should be discussed in detail and a solution should be found for this matter."
Meanwhile, Pakistan continues to forcibly deport Afghans without considering the demands of international organizations and the government of the Islamic Emirate.
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