Publish dateMonday 22 May 2023 - 13:58
Story Code : 270468
Cash and food aid has been provided to more than 11,000 displaced people in the past month
Officials in the Ministry of Migrants and Returnees say that during the month of "Thor" this year, 11 thousand and 92 displaced families were given cash and food aid in 17 provinces of the country.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) Kabul: The Ministry of Migrants and Returnees wrote on its Twitter page today, Monday, May 22, 2023, that these aids were provided by the second units of the Ministry of Migrants Affairs in different provinces.
According to the ministry, "According to the received reports, the second units of the Ministry of Migrant Affairs have assisted 1192 families displaced by war and natural disasters with the cooperation of a number of international aid organizations."
These families have been assisted in the provinces of Herat, Kapisa, Parwan, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Bamyan, Kunduz, Khost, Jawzjan, Badakhshan, Balkh, Baghlan, Ghazni, Maidan Wardak, Samangan, Takhar and Laghman during the last month.
The ministry added that the aid distributed included food packages, health packages, cash, solar, fuel and poultry equipment.
Meanwhile, local sources in Zabul Province say that the World Food Program has provided cash assistance to more than 1,000 people in this province.
It has been said that these 1,600 tons of cash aid were distributed last Sunday, 31 Thor, to the people who were employed in the water dams department in Siveh district, and each person was given an amount of 7,400 Afghanis.
It should be noted that national and international aid agencies are helping the needy and displaced people across the country and this aid is considered vital.
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