Publish dateSaturday 10 September 2022 - 14:54
Story Code : 258405
Twitter storm in India to return Koh Noor diamond from UK
After the official announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Twitter users in India demanded the return of the Koh Noor diamond to their country by launching the hashtag "Koh Noor". The famous and precious stone that adorns the crown of the British Queen.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): By participating in this Twitter campaign, Indian users insisted that Koh Noor diamond, one of the largest and most controversial diamonds in the world, be returned to India after the death of Queen Elizabeth.
It should be mentioned that the replacement sample of this historical, precious and rare diamond piece, which is installed in the crown of the British Queen, has been displayed for those interested in the Tower of London.
This large diamond, which is also known as the Mount of Light, has been exchanged many times between Indian, Mongolian, Afghan, Iranian and British rulers over the years.
It is said that the Koh Noor diamond was mined near Hyderabad in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, and then it was presented by an Iranian minister of the Indian court to Mohammad Shahjahan, the Gurkan king of India, and it stayed in this country.
After the collapse of Nader Afshar's regime, the diamond of Koh Noor was transferred to Afghanistan by Ahmad Shah Durrani and was kept in our country for about seventy years.
This precious stone was then taken to India by Shah Shuja, following the conflicts and clashes between the princes of Afghanistan, where it fell into the hands of the British colonists.
Koh Noor, which is included among the royal jewels of Britain and adorns the crown of the ruler of this country, is a 105-carat precious stone that has been the focus of many political and legal disputes in India, as well as disputes over its ownership not only from India but also from It has also been on Pakistan's side.
Many people in India have a deep emotional connection with the precious and historical diamond "Mountain of Light" and believe that the diamond discovered in their country in the 14th century was "stolen" from India during the colonial era.
This precious diamond, along with hundreds of other precious stones, became part of Queen Victoria's Crown Jewels after being transferred to Britain, which is said to have incalculable cultural, historical and symbolic value.
Camilla, the wife of Charles III, the new king of Great Britain and the new queen of this country, is going to wear the diamond-encrusted crown of Mount of Light during a ceremony.
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