Publish dateWednesday 13 May 2020 - 13:48
Story Code : 209925
Kabul, Nangarhar Attacks Widely Condemned
Afghanistan’s allies, partners, regional countries, numerous entities including the Afghan government, foreign embassies and senior officials, famous figures and many more have condemned the terrorist attacks on a hospital in Kabul and a funeral service in Nangarhar that have killed dozens of civilians in a double tragedy for the country.
All those who slammed the attack, expressed their condolences to those who lost loved ones.
Two babies and 12 mothers and nurses were killed when several gunmen stormed a hospital in Kabul on Tuesday morning.
Meanwhile, in the eastern province of Nangarhar, a bombing at a funeral killed at least 26 people.
Afghan President’s spokesman Sediq Sediqqi called the Kabul attack on hospital ”brutal and heinous” by “heartless terrorists,” saying: “Opening fire on mothers while they were admitted to give births to new lives is deplorable, senseless and cowardly. Where this much hate comes into these people for the Afghans!”
Haneef Atmar, the Acting Minister of Foreign condemned yesterday’s attacks, said such attacks will make nation lose faith in the ongoing peace process, urged unity, and called on all parties to stop attacks, start intra-afghan talks and pave the way for a permanent ceasefire in the country.
National Security Council spokesman Javid Faisal said: “Yesterday alone, Taliban and their sponsors killed 51 civilians and wounded 115, including new born babies, new mothers, doctors, nurses, and mourning people at a funeral.”
EU High Representative Josep Borrell on Kabul and Nangarhar attacks said: “There are few words that can do justice to the horrors we have witnessed today in Afghanistan” and international humanitarian law has been violated and perpetrators will have to bear the consequences.
US Peace Envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation , Zalmay Khalilzad, tweeted yesterday: “The unspeakable acts of violence in Afghanistan today against mothers, babies and unborn children as well as the attack on a funeral procession are acts of pure evil.”
World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom also condemned the attack on Kabul materiality hospital, calling that health workers should not be targeted.
Adnan Sami, well-known Indian singer, tweeted: ”My heart bleeds for the innocent mothers and their newly born babies who were killed in this monstrous and barbaric attack in the maternal hospital in Kabul!…”
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has condemned a militant attack on a maternity ward in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Mr Pompeo said: “Any attack on innocents is unforgiveable, but to attack infants and women in labour… is an act of sheer evil.”
“Terrorists who attack mourners lining up for prayer at a funeral are only seeking to tear apart the bonds that hold families and communities together, but they will never succeed.”
He added: “During the holy month of Ramadan and amidst the threat of Covid-19, these dual attacks are particularly appalling.”
The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) took to Twitter to express “shock and revulsion” over the attacks.
The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the country, Toby Lanzer, was “outraged” by the attack on the Sad Bistar Hospital, a 100-bed facility, which was full of patients and medical staff when the assault took place.
“It beggars belief that such a heinous act could be committed when Afghanistan is being ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic”, he said in a statement.
“Civilians receiving care in hospitals, health workers, medical infrastructure and aid workers are protected under International Humanitarian Law; violations must be investigated and those behind the attacks brought to justice”.
India has strongly condemned a string of terror attacks in Afghanistan, including one on a maternity hospital.
A statement from the external affairs ministry said: “India strongly condemns the barbaric terrorist attacks against innocent civilians, including women and children, at the Dasht-e-Barchi hospital maternity ward, [a] funeral in Nangarhar province and the army check post in Laghman province on 11-12 May.”
It added, “Such reprehensible attacks, including on mothers, newly born children, nurses and mourning families are appalling and constitute crimes against humanity.”
Saudi Arabia
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s strong condemnation of the two attacks in Kabul and Nangarhar province in Afghanistan which caused several casualties and deaths.
The Ministry affirmed the Kingdom’s solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its standing with it against extremism, violence, and terrorism.
The Ministry offered condolences to the families of the victims in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, as well as to its government and people, wishing a speedy recovery to the wounded.
Turkey on Tuesday condemned recent terrorist attacks in Afghanistan that reportedly killed almost 40 people and injured more than 75.
“We are saddened by the news that terror attacks targeting a hospital in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul and a funeral ceremony in Nangarhar province this morning caused loss of many civilian lives,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
“We condemn these heinous terrorist attacks that have targeted civilians and a hospital with a neonatal unit in the holy month of Ramadan and at a time when the effects of COVID-19 pandemic are intensely felt,” added the statement.
The ministry extended condolences to the Afghan people and wished a swift recovery to the injured.
Pakistan strongly condemns terrorist attacks in Kabul, Nangarhar
Pakistan has strongly condemned the inhuman and cowardly terrorist attack on a medical facility in Kabul and suicide attack on a funeral in Nangarhar province, resulting in loss of a number of precious lives.
These terrorist acts were particularly despicable as they take place in the holy month of Ramazan and at a time when Afghanistan was grappling with COVID-19 pandemic, the Pakistani Foreign Office spokesperson in a press release said.
“Pakistan condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and will continue to support a peaceful and stable Afghanistan.”
Pakistan also extended heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the families of victims and prayers for early recovery for those injured, it said and added “Our thoughts and prayers are also with the Afghan people in this hour of grief.”
In a statement, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi deplored the terrorist offensive on a hospital in Kabul, the attack on a funeral in Nangarhar, and the other military actions in various regions of Afghanistan, condemned the strikes on civilians and non-military sites, and voiced concern about the rise in violence in Afghanistan.
The Iranian spokesperson also expressed sympathy with the Afghan government and people, particularly with the families of victims of the recent attacks.
Mousavi finally called on all forces engaged in the military operations to cease the armed actions in honor of the holy month of Ramadan and prepare the ground for dialogue and sustainable peace in Afghanistan.
The Islamic State (IS) group said it was behind the attack on a police commander’s funeral in Nangarhar, in the east of the country. It is still not clear who carried out the attack at the Dasht-e-Barchi hospital, and the Taliban have denied any involvement.
Source : Afghan Voce Agency(AVA)
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