Publish dateWednesday 14 December 2022 - 13:44
Story Code : 262323
Kabul attack; The end of China
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: The ISIS attack on the Russian Embassy in Kabul and the recent targeting of the hotel where Chinese citizens stay clearly show that this project is strongly supported by America and its purpose is to shut down economically profitable projects of China in Afghanistan.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has advised its citizens in Afghanistan to leave Afghanistan. The ministry also said that 5 Chinese citizens were injured in Monday's attack on a guest house in Kabul.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for this attack.
Kabul Emergency Hospital said that this medical center has received three bodies. It is also reported that 18 wounded have been taken to this hospital.
China's foreign ministry says it is shocked by the attack.
Wang Wenbin; The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday, December 13: As far as we know, in this terrorist attack, five Chinese citizens were injured and a number of Afghan military and police forces were also killed.
He added: "We ask the interim government of Afghanistan to take strong and decisive measures to ensure the security of Chinese organizations and projects in Afghanistan."
At the same time, Wang Wenbin asked the citizens of his country to leave Afghanistan.
It is not known what is China's plan for the security of its citizens in Afghanistan, whether they will never return to Afghanistan or whether this decision is temporary and will change after the Islamic Emirate takes security measures and guarantees their safety.
However, as far as ISIS and its big supporter America are concerned, their goal is to destroy the presence and activities of the Chinese in Afghanistan.
Donald Trump; The former President of the United States has repeatedly emphasized that with the complete withdrawal of the American military, Afghanistan has been handed over to Russia and China.
This is not the only confused and unwise stance of an unstable politician; But at the same time, the main concern of policymakers behind the scenes and on the stage of America is regarding the situation in Afghanistan.
America never wants China, Russia and other countries in the region to fill the vacuum of that country in Afghanistan. For this reason, they first brought the ISIS project to the operational stage and then left the country so that ISIS, as a proxy force, would continue to provide indirect and much less expensive US hegemony over Afghanistan.
Based on this assessment, the ISIS attack on the Russian Embassy in Kabul and the recent targeting of the hotel where Chinese citizens stay clearly show that this project is strongly supported by the United States and its purpose is to shut down China's profitable economic projects in It is Afghanistan.
At the same time, China has taken over the mining of Aynak copper mine and is trying to take over the extraction of oil resources in the north of the country. Aynak's copper project was entrusted to the Chinese even during the rule of the Republican regime; But the insecurities managed at the same time did not allow the Chinese technicians to complete that project; The insecurities that occurred during the comprehensive military presence of America and NATO in the country, and without a doubt, the hand of the West was involved in it.
Therefore, there is no doubt that Daesh is creating insecurity in Afghanistan on behalf of America and is aiming at the same goals as determined by Washington. Killing Shiites to put pressure on Iran and destroy relations between Iran and the Islamic Emirate, targeting the Russian embassy in Kabul in order to stonewall relations between Moscow and Kabul, and making the Russians pessimistic about the Taliban's power, will, and ability to ensure their security and sovereignty. Afghanistan and the fight against ISIS, and the attack on Chinese citizens is also aimed at creating an obstacle in the way of Beijing's economic plans to advance infrastructure projects in Afghanistan.
However, the Islamic Emirate must show that it is capable of providing security, neutralizes the insecure projects of the United States, and does not allow the proxies and war mercenaries of the United States to lead our country to new insecurities and instabilities and prevent the realization of big plans for the development and progress of the country.
China should also help the Islamic Emirate in this field, and by emptying the field, it should not be in the position of a loser and should not surrender to American terrorism. This is not only important in terms of economic profitability; It is also very vital and crucial for security and stability in the entire region; Because if ISIS, as an American project, succeeds in overcoming the country's security situation, it will quickly destroy national borders, spread to other countries in the region, and make vulnerable areas in Central Asian countries, China and the Caucasus unsafe.
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