Publish dateTuesday 6 December 2022 - 14:57
Story Code : 261928
Australian war crimes in Afghanistan; We will buy your blood
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: Although it is not even clear whether the Australian government is willing to pay "compensation" to the victims of its soldiers' crimes in Afghanistan or not, even if such an agreement is finally reached, no one will can claim that in this context, justice has been provided, the victims have obtained their rights, and the criminal and aggressor Australian government and army have fully paid the penalty for the horrible crimes they committed; Because based on this decision, Australia buys the blood of the victims of its military crimes in Afghanistan for a small price, without an independent court ruling on this or even the survivors of the victims being satisfied with such a decision.
The Guardian newspaper wrote in a report that the Australian government is considering paying "compensation" to the families of the victims of "war crimes" committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan.
The move comes two years after a major inquiry into the matter "recommended" that the Australian government should pay "compensation" to the victims' survivors, the newspaper wrote.
The Australian government's special investigation into allegations of war crimes committed by its soldiers in Afghanistan lasted four years.
In these investigations, which were conducted under the supervision of an Australian army general, authentic evidence was documented about the involvement of 25 current and former Special Forces of this country in the illegal killing of 39 people and brutal treatment of two others.
The amount of "compensation" that the Australian government intends to pay is not known.
About a week ago, it was also reported that Australia is reviewing the medals awarded to its troops in Afghanistan.
The thing to think about is that the Australian army itself is responsible for the investigation of the Australian army's crimes in Afghanistan, the decision that has been made or will be made in this regard will also be made by the same authority, and the executor of the sentence will naturally be the Australian army.
Meanwhile, in similar cases, Western powers and their human rights organizations question the "independence" of fact-finding commissions or national courts to deal with a judicial or criminal issue, and by forming "truth" commissions "Finder" or the appointment of a special rapporteur for human rights or even the establishment of "independent" criminal courts will deal with those cases.
Regarding the war crimes committed by the US and its allies in Afghanistan, there is never any doubt as to why a country that itself has committed war crimes has the authority to investigate and make decisions and issue and execute judgments about those crimes.
What authority has granted this authority to the Western and non-Western powers allied to America and in this particular case, Australia?
Is there any guarantee that the Australian government will vote solely for the sake of justice and take the side of the oppressed victims of the heinous crimes of their criminal soldiers, regardless of their interests or racist considerations?
Even if there is such a guarantee, in terms of judicial procedure and legal principles governing the functioning of the courts, a person who has committed a crime should never be the claimant, the defendant, the prosecutor, the judge, and the executioner of the sentence at the same time!
This one case alone shows how absurd and baseless human rights and the Western judicial justice system are, unrealistic and based on decadent interests and values, whose only task is to maximize the illegitimate interests of the West and its allies.
On the other hand, although it is still not clear whether the Australian government is willing to pay "compensation" to the victims of the crimes of its soldiers in Afghanistan or not, even if such an agreement is finally reached, no one can claim that in this context, justice has been provided, the victims have obtained their rights, and the criminal and aggressor Australian government and army have fully paid the penalty for the horrible crimes they committed; Because based on this decision, Australia buys the blood of the victims of its military crimes in Afghanistan for a small price, without an independent court ruling on this or even the survivors of the victims being satisfied with such a decision.
This shows yet another aspect of America's degenerate human rights, where decisions are ultimately made unilaterally without regard for the brutal deprivation of the right to life of innocent, unarmed, and defenseless civilians in another country to buy the spilled blood for a small amount of money and after that, neither the Australian criminal soldiers will be punished, imprisoned or executed, nor will the just and legitimate complaints and requests of the survivors of the oppressed victims of these crimes be paid attention to.
With this in mind, the decision of the Australian government should never be considered a step towards justice in the light of the widespread propaganda of the seductive Western media; Because this decision is the foundation of an unjust, law-breaking, anti-human and deeply colonial judicial procedure, which if it spreads and generalizes, will strike at the root of justice and facilitate the commission of the most heinous war crimes against innocent civilians in the future.
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