Publish dateSaturday 30 July 2022 - 14:10
Story Code : 256347
Khashoggi, Bin Salman and the West; Blood against oil
Macron was the first Western leader who went to Riyadh and met with bin Salman. After the tragic and brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, he had several other meetings with the Saudi autocratic crown prince. This means that human rights are only a deceptive tool that has political consumption and is used to impose and develop the domination system against the target countries; but if money and profit are involved, it can simply be suspended and removed from the list of Western priorities by exchanging blood for oil.
While Muhammad bin Salman; The Saudi Crown Prince received a warm welcome from the President of France during his trip to Paris, but human rights groups have filed a complaint to the court to try Bin Salman on charges of "torture and murder".
Khadija Cengiz; in response to this trip, Mr. Khashoggi's fiancee said that he was very angry.
He accused the French president of welcoming his partner's "executioner" with "complete honor".
Mohammed bin Salman spent Wednesday night in a palace in the west of Paris, which he bought in 2015 for 300 million dollars.
This building, dubbed "the most expensive house in the world", was designed by Imad Khashoggi, Jamal Khashoggi's cousin.
Just a few hours before the meeting between bin Salman and Macron, three French civil groups filed a lawsuit against him in court.
In reaction to this trip, Benedict Janerad from the Human Rights Watch organization said that Mr. Macron, without a "strong and firm commitment" to human rights, risked "whitewashing" the face of Bin Salman.
It is never expected that these efforts and struggles will reach a result; Because there is something more important than the blood of a critical journalist, human rights in Saudi Arabia, and democracy in the Middle East, which must be secured, and that oil is like black gold, which the corrupt, oppressive, and autocratic Arab rulers have control over its vast and abundant resources. .
This is a very clear example of the West's big lies about human rights, democracy and freedom. If their interests demand it, they can simply put everything aside and focus on only one thing: profit!
This is what is happening with the West's relationship with Bin Salman. A few days ago, Saudi Arabia hosted Joe Biden; The President of the United States was Far-out; The same person who promised the American voters during his election campaigns that he would never meet with Mohammed bin Salman as the murderer of Khashoggi and said that the Saudi regime would "pay the price" for the brutal murder of that critical journalist.
Even before traveling to Saudi Arabia, he lied to his critics that he would not have a bilateral meeting with bin Salman. Rather, he participates in an international meeting in which Bin Salman is also present; but in Riyadh, he had a bilateral conversation with bin Salman. Therefore, the President of the United States told two clear lies to his people about Bin Salman and Khashoggi in the period before and after the presidential election of his country, that is, when he was fighting for the presidency and when he is the president of the United States.
The same thing happened in France; with the difference that France still presents itself as the cradle of Western human rights; but its president was the first western leader who went to Riyadh and met with bin Salman. After the tragic and brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, he had several other meetings with the Saudi autocratic crown prince.
This means that human rights are only a deceptive tool that has political consumption and is used to impose and develop the domination system against the target countries; but if money and profit are involved, it can simply be suspended and removed from the list of Western priorities by exchanging blood for oil.
Bin Salman and other rich Arab rulers, except for the luxurious and legendary 300 million dollar palace, which was built with the engineering of a journalist's cousin whom Bin Salman killed and dismembered, bring billions of dollars to Europe and America; From the prosperity of weapons factories to huge airplane companies, ultra-luxury cars, legendary and expensive villas, capital and currency markets, sports clubs, dance clubs, money-making movie projects, chain stores, multinational companies, Cartels and trusts, heavy investments in real estate, banks and large reservoirs of gold and precious stones, etc., are the arenas that rotate with the crazy injection of Arab petrodollars. In addition, they must reach the Western powers on the verge of cutting off Russian gas to Europe, and while the global energy price has skyrocketed and the economic crisis and inflation in the West are setting new records day by day. These are Arab authoritarian princes who can keep the heart of huge economies and great industrial powers still active and beating with the elixir of black gold and massive petrodollars.
So selling Khashoggi's blood for Bin Salman's oil is a disgusting but profitable deal and is worth the notoriety of false claimants of Western human rights.
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