Publish dateThursday 23 February 2012 - 16:18
Story Code : 36593
The principal of Sadeghieh Madrasa addressing the clerics and scholars:

Islam enemies target Islamic culture and values

Islam enemies target Islamic culture and values
According to the Imam Khomeini's viewpoint, self-purification and self-acquaintance are essential in society so clerics should do so before commencing the mission.
Thanking Erafi, the president of Jameat-ol-Mostafa International University, for holding the gathering, Hojjat-ol-Eslam Wal-Moslemin Jebreili, the principal of Sadeghieh Madrasa in Herat, called the " Religion, Culture and Clerics Responsibilities" gathering so efficacious.
Thanks to the Ebrahimi, the Velayat Faghih representative in Afghanistan, and Imam Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, efforts the Sonny and Shiite clerics are unified and in harmony which is of great importance Jebreili said while calling such gatherings effective for Afghanistan.
One of the achievements of the gathering is the unity and link between Shiite and Sonny religious tents.
Failing to stick to religious principles is the acute problem in Afghanistan and as solutions Jebreili said accurate awareness of religion could be the first step. Another thing could be religion probing and acquaintance while religion purification could be the other solution.
The religious tenets of Afghan young generation are endangered by the Christianity preached by the West in Afghanistan. The poisoned plots of enemies are going to be implemented due to the economic problems the youths are struggling with. Cultural invasion clean the road for political invasion so if a country loses its culture, it will fall in colony of another country.
Jebreili addressing the scholars and clerics called for fighting against west cultural invasion by awakening young generation, offering the cultural and Islamic models and proselytizing the Islamic values.
Self-purification and self-acquaintance are essential for Afghanistan clerics to lead the Afghanistan nation.
According to the former parliament member viewpoint, clerics should make especial effort in strengthening the unity as Imam Khaminei statement" if we make unity and awakening symbol, the Islam world will take constructive actions about unity, knowing the enemies and seeking truth.
Talking about the Iran accusation of interfering in the Lebanon and Bahrain affairs, Jebreili said in response of these accusations Khamenei powerfully said Iran have never interfered in Bahrain affairs but Iran had interfered in Lebanon affairs leads to this country stability.
Although there are a great number of clerics in Afghanistan, lack of thought rooms in Afghanistan halts to improve the Afghanistan current circumstances and clerics gathering.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Qom
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