Publish dateSunday 31 July 2011 - 11:10
Story Code : 30211
Culture of jihad and martyrdom kept Islam strong
The Jihad of Afghan people defeating the heavily-armed Superpower of the Soviet Union as a divine blessing preserve alive.

An international conference titled “Independence and Freedom, the Results of Martyrdom and Sacrifice” to keep the culture of jihad alive in Afghanistan, appreciating the scarifying culture and strengthening the fight-against invader foreigners was held in Kabul hosted by the Afghanistan academy of science where domestic and abroad scholars and the Jihadist leaders had participated.
Ayatollah Taskhiri, Secretary General of the World Forum for the Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, making speech in this conference said over the history the martyrdom culture and Jihad has kept Islam strong and alive. Representing his article with the title of “Faith and Jihad, the Origins of Independence and Freedom”, he called for preserving the fruits of years-efforts and sacrifices by maintaining the Islam and Islamic teachings.
Referring to verses of Qran, he said the God has charged the human with implementing the goods and avoid badness. Ugliness damaging the nature is condemned by the God so the religion is in fact a clear way of paving the goods and avoiding badness. It is a familiar, identified and clear path. The secretary general of the World Forum for proximity of Islamic faiths added we should be proud of having such complete religion, Islam, based on making the human free from any prisons, arrogant and idolatrous.
Ayatollah Taskhiri added Mohammad prophet, PBUH, brought Quran
with himself to show the clear way for people and make sure all existence of the prophet is a mercy. Now the way is clear and applied to all human, so we should run toward this way and defense it this way
in his believe is the task of Muslims that keep them away from mistakes and ignorance so we should be thankful to this divine bless. Taskhiri noted we must keep the mujahedeen as great. It is jihad that brought us independence. He said some people are attached to the separation of life and mosque and others say we summarized all life in the mosque. Non of them is true. We believe that the spirit of the mosque is extended in the life. Each activity should be conducted in the presence of God.
Taskheri notified the summary movement of prophets from creation to end is summarized in two goals. First, the establishment of God worshiper, movement toward God and the second is struggle with the idolatrous and not following their ways. Ayatollah Taskhiri quoting a hadith from Imam Ali (AS) said “the people who pilgrim the God’s house put their feet in footprint of Mohammad’s feet and they should be like him. The Islamic movement is a movement that puts all live in the path of prophets.
Taskheri in the case of colonialism in the last century said the colonial follow four rules; first, to create divisions in the Muslim world, second backwardness of Islam, the third, separating religion from the lives of Muslims, who see threatened their interests and the fourth destroying the spirit of jihad and martyrdom. He announced about the infelicitous plans of west in Ejtehad (discretion), one of their programs is they want to make separation among priest from each other. Ayatollah Taskhiri, the secretary general of the World Forum for proximity of Islamic Faiths emphasized after the two events, one the Iran Islamic revolution led by Imam Khomeini and the other Afghan Jihad, as a great divine defeating the former Soviet Union army, occurred in the mid-twentieth century
all arrogance of West and America plans were sought in the water. This is a divine blessing and people should not forget the great work of God.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Kabul, Religion Service
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