Publish dateSunday 10 July 2011 - 09:14
Story Code : 29664
Hussein Mazari in the circle of Afghan refugee Tollabs, religious students, in Mashhad in Shaabanieh Aayads celebration ceremony;

Keeping the track of Welayat and the Supreme leader, we can gain proud and happiness

Keeping the track of Welayat and the Supreme leader, we can gain proud and happiness
The proud lives of the Muslims have been resulted from the hard working of Aeimeh Masomin, the Shiite-Muslim religious leaders, Imams, with Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, at the peak the head of Tebyan political and cultural activities center said.
 If our religious scholars had firmly expressed Islam, Shiite and the religion when they first entered Afghanistan, our oppressed people would not be as miserable as they are.
The proud lives of the Muslims have been resulted from the hard working of Aeimeh Masomin, the Shiite-Muslim religious leaders, Imams, with Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, at the peak the head of Tebyan political and cultural activities center said.
Making speech in the ceremony held at the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) branch in Mashhad to celebrate Shabanieh Eid, the anniversary birthdays of two Imams, Imam Hussein and Imam Sajad, and Hazrat Abulfazl, in the audience of hundreds of religious students, Tollab, Husseini Mazari while calling the celebrating of Imams anniversary birthday following their way said we should come to find out how much price we pay for our liking Imams and interests in Ahl-o-Beit.
Drawing the Tollab attention to their responsibilities of being the soldiers of the Islam religion and successors of the Holy prophet Islamic government, he said we should ensure how much readiness we have to establish an Islamic government to fight the World Imperialism.
The head of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) said if we sit back with any danger, escape from any problem may happen for us and our family and fear of losing our lives or money we would not be on the real track of infallible Imams.
Hussein Mazari providing a detailed report of cultural situation of the Afghan people said the West-conducted charity originations in Afghanistan with the aim of damaging the people believe are active.
The editor of Ensaf weekly paper describing the Afghanistan cultural state critical asked for more colored presence of the religious figures to defuse the West cultural invasion.
Hussein Mazari called for centralization of the scholar’s activities and said the scholar presence is the only powerful front to fight the West cultural invasion.
If our religious scholars had firmly expressed Islam, Shiite and the religion when they first entered Afghanistan, our oppressed people would not be as miserable as they are he said.
Elsewhere in his remarks Husseini Mazari thanked the Afghanistan great Ayatollahs of Muhseni, passed away Taghadosi, Salehi and Afshar Ali Naghi and said their activities have brought favor to the whole of Afghanistan but these are not enough to fight the cultural invasion of the West. To distinguish the Hagh, rightness, and Batel, the wrongness, the scholars should have firm and fixed mind set of school of thought. Mazari said today the Karbala is available with not one Yazid but thousand ones and if Imam Hussein is not present but his Son is present so you come to the competition. You, the Afghan people and scholars, come to the practical wise leadership of the great Ayatollah Khamanei to gain victory for Islam. Criticizing the Afghan Tollab of not paying enough attention to the practical gaining of Imam Khamanei messages he said the whole Islam world today feel proud of Imam Khamanei so why we hide our delight and proud of being the follower of the great Ayatollah Imam Khamanei.
The only way of Afghanistan salvation is the God-orientation, following the Imams and the way to reaching to Imams is Welayat Fighih Mazari said.
Reporting the Tebyan work on organizing the Mosques leaders in Afghanistan, Mazari expressed the Tebyan readiness in organizing and sending religious scholars to Afghanistan to do the mission of fighting against the West cultural invasions.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Mashhad, Religion Service
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