Publish dateThursday 18 July 2024 - 14:08
Story Code : 293716
Chance of rain and flooding in 17 provinces of Afghanistan
The Department of Meteorology of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation says that the possibility of heavy rain and flash floods is predicted in 17 provinces of the country. Today, Khash in Nimroz province is the hottest with +43 degrees Celsius and Rekoot in Badakhshan province is the coldest in the country with +2 degrees Celsius.
Afghan Voice Agency (Ava) - Kabul: The Department of Meteorology of the Ministry of Transport and Aviation has predicted rain and flooding for today (Thursday, July 18) and tomorrow in the provinces of Badakhshan, Takhar, Baghlan, Panjshir, Nuristan, Kunar, Laghman, Kapisa, Parwan, Maidan Wardak, Kabul, Nangarhar, Logar, Ghazni, Paktia, Khost and Paktika have predicted.

According to the forecast of this department, the amount of rainfall in different parts of these provinces will be between 15 and 40 mm.

This department has also predicted strong winds in the provinces of the North, West, South, East and Center of the country with a speed between 50 and 90 kilometers per hour.

This is despite the fact that in recent days, a number of provinces of the country have witnessed heavy rains, storms and floods, and many casualties and damages have been caused to the people.

Today, Khash in Nimroz province is the hottest with +43 degrees Celsius and Rekoot in Badakhshan province is the coldest in the country with +2 degrees Celsius.

The highest air temperature in Kabul is expected to be +31 and the lowest +20 degrees Celsius.
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