Publish dateWednesday 3 July 2024 - 15:37
Story Code : 292945
The Economist: Israel will experience the biggest rain of rockets in history
The Economist magazine estimated that Israel would experience "the largest sustained barrage of missiles in history" if a new war was launched against Lebanon.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Economist magazine quoted an Israeli army officer as saying that "Hezbollah is much more prepared for an Israeli ground attack than the Ukrainian army when Russia attacks in 2022."

He added that "Hezbollah identified positions that the Israeli army thought were well camouflaged, and repeatedly attacked them... The main reason for the lack of [human] casualties in the Israeli army on the northern front is that the forces themselves were hidden from view".

Tamir Heyman, the former head of Israel's military intelligence, also announced that if "Israel" wants to make a change, "it must destroy the entire Hezbollah system, and this is not possible, especially in the current situation."

Hezbollah has strong points
The Economist notes further that Hezbollah is much more prepared for any war than it was in 2006 and is also ready to counter any Israeli ground attack.

Referring to Hezbollah's possession of a wide range of "suicide drones", the author wrote; Although the IDF has active defense systems that give it the ability to counter Hezbollah's anti-tank missiles, the drones target weaker points on top of Israel's armaments.

 According to this note, the second factor of Hezbollah's strength is the empowerment of its ground forces. After stabilizing the situation of its forces, Hezbollah established the elite Rezwan force, which aimed to strike at "Israel" at a depth of 20 kilometers.

The third factor of Hezbollah's power is that this group has the experience of fighting in Syria alongside the Russian Air Force.

This English weekly wrote that on the other hand, Hezbollah's firepower has also become "more accurate". Hezbollah often uses drones to identify direct targets for missiles, thereby carrying out "super precision" strikes.

 Another issue in Israel's attack on Lebanon is the issue of soldiers. Israeli generals speak optimistically about a limited ground maneuver to capture a "security zone" aimed at preventing border settlements from being targeted by Hezbollah, but remember that in 1982, the "Israeli army" split into 7 divisions to attack Lebanon. needed. Or used four divisions in the smaller war in 2006.

Here is the question; Now that the Israeli army is facing severe pressures in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, how can it bring a sufficient number of military forces to carry out this operation, even though it is limited, in Lebanon?

The biggest rain of rockets against Israel
The Economist wrote that evaluations show; If Israel starts a war with Hezbollah, it will "receive the largest sustained barrage of rockets in history."

The author goes on to warn that the next war against Israel will be more intense, as Hezbollah now has "more than 120,000 rockets and bullets," many of which are capable of reaching Tel Aviv and beyond with high precision. .

The report, compiled by more than 100 experts and former Israeli officials, suggests that Hezbollah may have fired between 2,500 and 3,000 rockets per day for three consecutive weeks, 25 times the number of rockets launched in 2006, and that this would be the "largest It will be the rocket rain of history.

According to this report, even if American destroyers off the coast of Lebanon can intercept and neutralize larger missiles, Israeli defenses will sink in many places, which will result in heavy losses to Israel.

On the other hand, Hezbollah's air defense has improved, as it has shot down more than 7 Israeli drones since October 7.

Israeli experts are also doubtful about the possibility of eliminating the fear of settlers to return to their homes in occupied Palestine.

On the other hand, senior Mossad veteran officials say that "the army in Gaza is tired and needs at least 6 months to prepare for another war."

Earlier, the Israeli media declared Lebanon's Hezbollah as one of the 5 major powers in the world in terms of the number of missiles at its disposal, after America, China, Russia and Germany.
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