Publish dateFriday 28 June 2024 - 10:00
Story Code : 292608
The leader of the Islamic Revolution cast his votes in the fourteenth round of Iran
Hazrat Ayatollah Imam Khamenei cast his vote in the morning of this Friday, the 8th of Cancer, in the first minutes of the start of the voting for the 14th term of the presidential elections of Iran by attending Imam Khomeini's Hosseiniyeh (RA) in Tehran.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (Madazallah), the leader of the Islamic Revolution, while casting his votes, said: The reputation of the Islamic Republic in the world depends on the presence of the people, and people should not hesitate to vote.
Imam Khamenei added: Election day is a day of joy and happiness for us Iranians, and the enthusiastic presence of the people and increase of voters is a definite need for the Islamic Republic.
The leader of the Islamic Revolution stated: "In the essence of this system, the presence of the people is taken into account, and the durability of the Islamic Republic and its honor and reputation in the world depends on the presence of the people. We recommend that the people take the issue of voting and participation in this important political test.
In this round of Iran's presidential elections, four candidates, Saeed Jalili, Masoud Bishikian, Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf and Mostafa Pourmohammadi are candidates for the presidential seat of this country.
It should be mentioned that the presidential election of Iran started a few minutes ago in 59,000 polling stations.
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