Publish dateWednesday 26 June 2024 - 13:09
Story Code : 292502
The Islamic Emirate is going to Doha with a multi-organizational delegation
Zakir Jalali, the third political head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate, has said that the caretaker government delegation, after several months of bargaining with the United Nations, is going to Doha with accurate calculations and full preparation, and there was no haste in this decision.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate wrote on his official account on the X social network: "After several months of negotiations with the United Nations regarding the upcoming Doha meeting, the caretaker government decided to send a multi-organizational delegation Under the chairmanship of Zabihullah Mujahid, send the central spokesperson to this meeting.

The third political head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the two previous meetings showed that the presence of the Islamic Emirate in the UN meetings is "inevitable".

Yesterday, a coordination meeting for the presence of the Islamic Emirate in Doha was held under the chairmanship of Amir Khan Motaghi.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, Noor Ahmad Agha, the deputy of the Central Bank of Afghanistan, Abdul Haq Al-Asar, the deputy of counternarcotics of the Ministry of Interior of the caretaker government and the advisers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade are going to Qatar on behalf of the caretaker government of Afghanistan to participate in the Doha 3 meeting.

Amir Khan Motaghi, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, has said that Zabihullah Mujahid will lead the delegation of the Islamic Emirate in the Doha meeting and will participate in the Doha 3 meeting.

After several months of consultation between the officials of the Islamic Emirate and the United Nations, at the end of last month, Zabihullah Mujahid announced that the Islamic Emirate will attend this meeting.

Less than a week is left for the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate announced yesterday that the governing body will discuss Afghanistan's financial and banking system, the challenges of the private sector, and the Islamic Emirate's measures against narcotics at the third meeting in Doha.
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