Publish dateTuesday 5 March 2024 - 09:48
Story Code : 286922
The presence of 41% of the people of Iran in elections/ Elections was held in complete safety and security
The Minister of Interior/Country of the Islamic Republic of Iran in a press conference at the end of the two elections of the Islamic Council and the leadership experts of this country, despite all the speculations and negative propaganda about the weak presence of the Iranian people at the ballot boxes, the participation rate in these elections 41 percent and said: This election was held in full security, clean and healthy, all people and tastes were present in the election and it had the highest health standard.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Ahmad Vahidi, today evening, Monday, March 4, at a press conference at the end of the counting of votes for the 12th round of the Islamic Council elections and the sixth round of the elections for the country's leadership experts, which was held last Friday, March 1 said, the glorious holding of these elections on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan was a divine holiday for the honorable and faithful people of Islamic Iran and caused the joy of the hearts of all the supporters and free people of the world and the hatred of the ill-wishers and those who seek domination: "Our people shone brightly again and won another victory, and according to the horns of the dictatorial regime, which tried to discourage the people from participating in the elections, our dear people made a magnificent presence in the recent elections. 
According to IRNA, he added: In this election, we had 4 strategies emphasized by the leader of the Islamic Revolution; The first issue was the security of the elections. The security of this election was exemplary and it was held in complete security, while the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation tried to undermine the security of the elections. The first defeat of the enemy in this election was in the field of security; They sought insecurity but failure was inflicted on them.
Stating that Iran's elections were of the highest standard of health and each and every vote of the people was given attention and sensitivity, Vahidi said: We owe this amount of health to everyone, that the people and executive bodies were able to hold elections with the highest standard of health. The counting of votes was done seriously and with sufficient accuracy, and the rules were fully respected.
Referring to the component of competition in the elections, he emphasized: We witnessed a good and extensive competition between all tastes. The number of people who registered in this course was unprecedented and we saw a close, intense and exciting competition in all places. This was the third component that the leader of the revolution emphasized. 
Vahidi also added about the fourth component or participation emphasized by the leader of the revolution: We witnessed the presence of more people than the previous period. This was in a situation where we had adverse weather conditions in some places and enemy designs near the elections. We witnessed the participation and presence of the people and this population of 25 million at the voting booths.
He went on to say: 245 elected members of the Islamic Council and 88 people were elected to the Assembly of Leadership Experts, and we congratulate all of them. Little by little, we have to prepare for holding the second round of elections.

The Minister of Interior of Iran stated: In some media, there were articles about invalid votes. How many types of invalid votes do we have? illegible vote, blank vote, votes with other names; But in general, the white votes were 5% in the whole country and exactly in the four constituencies that were held electronically. 
He continued: In other areas where elections were not held completely and electronically, some people tried to invest in invalid votes, which was wrong.
He also said about the violations in this round of elections: No case was filed in this area and this election was held clean and safe. Also, during this period, the expenses and expenses of elections were very low.
The Minister of Interior of Iran noted that the participation rate in the elections of the Islamic Council and the Assembly of Leadership Experts was 41%, and about 25 million people participated in these elections.
The elections of the 12th term of the Islamic Council of Iran to elect 290 representatives for a four-year term and the sixth term of the elections of the Assembly of Experts for the leadership of this country to elect 88 members of this parliament for an eight-year term, on Friday March 1, in 59 thousand polling stations in It was held all over the country.
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