Publish dateMonday 23 May 2011 - 13:18
Story Code : 28418
Imam Khomeini symbol of oppressed resistance against the oppressor

Jowza 3rd, May 24th, and in coincided with the birthday of Muslim Holy Prophet’s daughter, symbol of humanity and faithful statue, Bibi Fatima Zahra, in Khomeini city, Iran, a children of this great lady of Islam, Imam Khomeini opened eyes to the universe. On Jamadeul Sani 20th, 1320 lunar, Sunbula 30th, 1281 AD, Sptampr 21st, 1902 BC, in Khomein city, Iran, Alruhollah Almosawi Alkhumeini was born in a religious and related to Fatima Zahra family.

Hojatoleslam Walmoslemeen Sheikh Nader Ali Mahdawi, the Afghanistan president advisor minister of religious affairs in a private interview with Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) said Imam Khomeini was symbol of oppressed resistance against oppressors. Until Imam Khomeini made the revolution, no one had started any movement against the arrogant regimes and Islam had almost forgotten as a problem solver for human problems. The truthful revolution of Imam Khomeini awakened the Muslims against Capitalism and imperialism school he added.
The advisor minister of Hamid Karzai emphasized before the Islamic revolution led by Imam Khomeini there were religious persons wanting to make uprising against tyranny and oppression, but they could make a necessary unity and integration but this integrity was prepared when Imam Khomeini had gained victory.
Mr. Mahdawi in relation to revolution of Imam Khomeini effects on Muslim communities said Imam Khomeini was pessimistic towards the Islamic world and by his revolution had good and constructive influences on the other Islamic societies.
He added Imam Khomeini with his tongue, verbal speeches, pen, writing and bullet stood against the wicked and bandits to defend not only his right but also the others. The thing made a world charismatic leader out of him.
Khomeini revolution was based on the Islam origins and inspired by Imam Zaman so he could easily destroy Reza Shah Government and establish an Islamic government in Iran.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Kabul, Religion and thought Service
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