Publish dateSaturday 16 September 2023 - 08:33
Story Code : 276663
Guterres: The situation of Afghan women will be reviewed in the UN General Assembly
The Secretary General of the United Nations says that the situation of women in Afghanistan will be discussed among the leaders of dozens of countries who are scheduled to attend the General Assembly next Tuesday.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Antonio Guterres has expressed his concern about the situation of women in Afghanistan and says that this issue will be addressed in the UN General Assembly.
Mr. Guterres said: "The rights of women and girls in Afghanistan are the focus of all concerns and will be one of the topics on the agenda of the Assembly."
The 78th meeting of the United Nations Assembly will be held on Tuesday next week in New York City, with the theme of restoring global trust and solidarity and intensifying the actions of governments in implementing the 2030 agenda to achieve sustainable development goals.
Although a decision is not made at the end of the discussions in the forum between the leaders of the countries regarding the status of women in Afghanistan, but this week the situation of human rights, especially the rights of women, has been raised in the United Nations Human Rights Council, and the member countries have criticized the performance of the Islamic Emirate government towards women. Have.
However, the Islamic Emirate has repeatedly stated that it is committed to respecting human rights, including women's rights, within the framework of Islamic Sharia, but it has asked the international community to allow a representative from the Islamic Emirate to be present in the discussions and expressing opinions about Afghanistan. .
Bilal Karimi, Deputy Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, said: "Afghanistan should not be compared with European and Western countries, Afghanistan is a free and independent country. 99.99 percent of the people of Afghanistan are Muslims, an Islamic system is ruling, the rights of all Afghan people are provided according to Islamic principles and national values.
On the other hand, the charge d'affaires of the American Embassy in Afghanistan said that the United States will try to force the ruling authorities in Afghanistan to change their behavior towards women.
Karen Dicker said: "We have not missed the opportunity in any meeting to tell the Taliban to change their strategy against women. "Those strategies that destroy the future of the country and take away the means of livelihood from families, from those who rely on income to feed their children."
Mrs. Dicker also said in a part of her speech that the United States wants to establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan. Like other American officials, he has said that America does not support the start of another war in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, the Chief of Staff of the US military called the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan a strategic failure.
Mark Milley said: "How we left Afghanistan was a strategic failure. We fought the Taliban for 20 years, but in the end we gave them the field. This is what I publicly testified to. "There is no way that withdrawal from Afghanistan can be described as a strategic success."
On Wednesday (September 13), Frank McKenzie, the former commander of the US Central Command, also made similar statements to Mark Milley about the 20-year presence of the US and its withdrawal from Afghanistan. Mackenzie also strongly regretted what he and his team did when they left Afghanistan.
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