Publish dateSunday 27 August 2023 - 12:50
Story Code : 275627
Russia: Civil war threatens America
The deputy of the Russian Security Council says that the conflict between the Democrats and the Republicans can turn into a full-scale civil war in America.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): "Dmitry Medvedev," the deputy of the Russian Security Council and the former president of this country, said that the confrontation between the Democrats and the Republicans of the United States could turn into a full-scale civil war.
Medvedev said in an interview with "Russia Today" channel and Russia's "Tass" news agency on Saturday that there is a huge gap between the elites in the United States. The conflict between the conservative Republican establishment and the liberal part represented by the Democratic Party has actually divided America.
According to this senior Russian official, "America is currently in a state of internal conflict." America is in trouble with itself. Moreover, this conflict is in some ways irreconcilable. Such internal conflicts often end in civil war. "I don't know what will happen in America, but the level of conflict is high now."
To clarify his statements, he mentioned the prosecution of Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, who at the same time is seeking the nomination of the Republican Party in the upcoming American elections. He said that the charges against Trump were raised not for the sake of justice, but to prevent him from participating in the new elections.
Republican front-runner Donald Trump turned himself in to the Fulton County Jail on Thursday to face charges of trying to change the 2020 Georgia election.
He was detained for 20 minutes and after that he was released on a bail of 200 thousand dollars. In prison, Trump was arrested for the first time, which was published minutes later. Reacting to this photo, Biden said that he had seen the photo and sarcastically described Trump as a "handsome person".
In total, Trump, 77, faces 91 criminal charges under four indictments for subverting state and federal elections, maintaining classified documents and paying hush money to pornographic actors. He was also convicted in a sexual harassment case and faces an investigation into his business dealings. Among these cases, two cases of trying to invalidate the election in Georgia and keeping confidential documents are considered a serious threat to Trump and can technically lead to his imprisonment.
Asked if there were similarities between the administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden in terms of how to deal with conflicts, Medvedev said there was more pragmatism in the Obama years. He added: "Biden has been mentally, politically and economically involved in Ukraine, which has tied his hands." Biden's determination to help Kiev against Russia has made him hostage to Ukraine, which is very sad for both the US and Ukraine.
Previously, Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and former vice presidential candidate from the Republican Party, warned about the possibility of a second civil war in America.
"Those who are doing this misrepresentation and creating a two-tier justice system, I want to ask them, do you want us to be in a civil war?" Palin told "NewsMax" on Thursday. Because that is what will happen. We will not tolerate this.
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