Publish dateFriday 14 July 2023 - 12:32
Story Code : 273221
By imposing approaches, the European Union seeks to strengthen the dependence of African countries on itself
Criticizing the policies of the European Union in the African continent, especially the crimes of the Western colonialist countries, the Russian ambassador in Afghanistan says that this Union, by imposing its approaches on African countries, has purposefully strengthened the policy of strengthening these countries' dependence on itself in a wide range of sectors. follows, while not ready to accept responsibility for its crimes in these countries.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: In an interview with the media in Kabul, Dmitri Zhirnov said: The European Union considers itself to be a privileged partner of Africa, which seems to have a special concern about this continent, and as a result, it has the right to impose its approaches on African countries.
Meanwhile, according to him, the European Union is not ready to take responsibility for the crimes of the colonial European regimes and its harmful consequences for the development of Africa, and it is still not ready to provide real aid without a "hidden agenda" to include these countries in Provide a system of global economic relations based on equal rights.
The Russian ambassador in Kabul continued: Brussels purposefully follows the policy of strengthening the dependence of African countries on the European Union in the widest range of sectors, such as financial-economic policy, food safety and energy, health and stability of the government administration system.
According to him, Europe seeks to increase the exploitation of African countries' resources, including human resources. The European Union aims to subordinate Africa to the West in opposition to the agreements between "democracies" and "autocracies" which are imposed by this Union on the world community.
In fact, Zhirnov stated: Europe is trying to demote Africa to the role of a source (product) of raw materials so that Westerners have guaranteed access to raw materials instead of limited access to some benefits of Western civilization.
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