Publish dateSaturday 17 June 2023 - 09:15
Story Code : 271848
The new role of the West in post-eviction; Funding for chaos through ISIS in Afghanistan
After the expulsion of the United States from Afghanistan and the subsequent attacks by the Islamic Emirate on the American proxy terrorist groups in this country, especially ISIS, a new round of efforts to maintain the influence and revival of this terrorist group has begun on the part of the United States.
Shahab Al-Muhajar, the leader of ISIS in Khorasan, recently acknowledged the heavy blows inflicted by the Islamic Emirate on this terrorist group and said: "There are only a few of our comrades left, whose number can be counted on the fingers."
Now that ISIS is disappearing, America and other western countries are trying to revive this valuable tool and compensate for the void of command and infantry forces.
Previously, "Nan Taki Asia" had stated that ISIS is the representative of America in Afghanistan and wrote: After the defeat in the war in Afghanistan, America is trying to use a tool called ISIS as a proxy force against its regional rivals. America cannot directly intervene in Afghanistan, but it is trying to hit its rivals through ISIS.
On the other hand, Zamir Kabulov, Putin's special representative, says: America and England are doing their best to strengthen the positions and destructive potential of the Afghan branch of ISIS, so that this group can be a tool to put pressure on Central Asian countries and separate them from Russia.
In the latest case of these efforts, a right-wing extremist Norwegian citizen who had previously met ISIS members and families in Syria traveled to Afghanistan. After his arrival, he was identified by the intelligence forces of T.A.L.N. and arrested on charges of cooperation with ISIS and espionage. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms the detention of its citizen in Afghanistan.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria has only announced the name of this citizen; However, the Austrian publication Standard writes that Herbert has far-right tendencies. Austrian neo-Nazis have also published the arrest of this person, which indicates his connection with these extremist groups.
Earlier, 5 British citizens were arrested by the Islamic Emirate for "violating the laws" of Afghanistan. Some sources considered these people to be affiliated with Daesh, who were finally released last year after negotiations between Kabul and London. After the release of these prisoners, the British ambassador, while meeting with the foreign minister of the Islamic Emirate, clarified that London does not support the armed opposition of the caretaker government.
However, the process of infiltration of British nationals into Afghanistan continued, and in the month of this year, the British Interior Minister announced the arrest of three more citizens of this country by the Islamic Emirate.
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