Publish dateSunday 11 June 2023 - 14:20
Story Code : 271570
Kabir to Security Forces: Treat People Well
In a meeting with the chief’s intelligence of Nangarhar and the police chief of Kunar, Acting Prime Minister, urged the security forces to treat people well.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, The local security official of Kunar and Nangarhar shared details about the security situation of the provinces with the Acting Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, a statement released by Arg.
No one would be allowed to destruct the security of people they said adding that people cooperating with their security forces for the maintain of security, the statement quoted local security officials of Kunar and Nangarhar provinces.
A plan has been developed for the betterment of eastern security and the increase of further cooperation of people with security forces, the statement added.
For his part, Mawlavi Kabir stressed saying that the security forces should treat people well adding that their behavior should be an example to others.
Meanwhile, Acting Prime Minister, Mawlavi Kabir met with the Deputy Minister of Hajj and Religious Affairs and Governor of Parwan in two separate meetings.
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