Publish dateSaturday 8 April 2023 - 10:03
Story Code : 268096
The biggest cultural activity is to pay attention to the Palestine issue
The deputy of the central office of the Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center at the prize giving ceremony to the winners of the big book reading competition in west of Kabul, says that the biggest cultural activity is paying attention to the issue of Palestine and the World Quds Day demonstrations.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Awarding program to the winners of the big book reading contest, which was won by 30 out of 250 participants with the presence of Dozens of young people, were held in the west of Kabul.
  Sayed Modasir Fazelpour, the deputy of the central office of Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center, said in a speech: "Someone can be effective in the field of cultural struggle and collective activities, which is also useful and effective in his personal life as a young Muslim."
The deputy head of the central office of Tebyan Center expressed his satisfaction with the holding of book reading competitions by "Mahdaviyat circle" and added that it should not be limited to cultural activities, but youths should be introduced to religious values and concerns about the issues of the day.
According to him, young people should learn organizational work and be in constant contact with knowledgeable, experienced persons and active cultural centers to carry out this mission.
Mr. Fazelpour reminded that the center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan is ready to serve to strengthen the knowledge and raise the level of cultural and organizational literacy of the youth.
The deputy of the central office of the Tebyan Center said: "One of the cultural activities today is fronting in the virtual space, which unfortunately today in this program is due to your lack of connection with religious and active cultural centers, while you have organized a large program with gatherings, but there is no media to provide media coverage.
Stating that book reading competitions are a great activity, he said that what should be addressed today and is considered the greatest cultural activity is paying attention to the issue of Palestine and the World Quds Day demonstrations.
Mr. Fazelpour continued his speech and added that young people should declare their hatred for the Zionist regime and their support for the oppressed Palestinian people in different ways, in addition to decorating their profiles with the special symbol of Palestine.
According to the deputy of the central office of Tebyan center, if the mullahs, imams of the mosques and cultural figures do not take any action towards the Palestinian issue, they should doubt their own faith.
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