Publish dateSunday 25 December 2022 - 15:48
Story Code : 262861
Russia is looking for alternative markets for oil sales
The Minister of Finance of Russia has announced that his country is trying to find a new market for selling oil. This follows the decision of the Group of Seven and the European Union to set a price ceiling for Russian oil.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): According to Sputnik, Russian Finance Minister Anton Silvanov added in his statement today: Russia will not supply oil within the framework of contracts that follow the Western price ceiling. This issue is indisputable.
Referring to the words of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, that his country does not supply oil under these contracts, he emphasized: Moscow will be looking for new buyers due to the forecasts for an increase in demand in the oil market.
The Russian finance minister also noted that the country will likely export gas at a higher price as it finds new markets and logistics (the process of transporting commercial goods).
According to this report, in early December (the middle of the month of Sagittarius), the Group of Seven (G7) countries - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, England and the United States - along with the European Union and Australia, continued the sanctions against Russia, the price ceiling per barrel. Russian crude oil transported by sea was set at 60 dollars.
On the other hand, Moscow criticized this action and announced that it will not export oil to countries that follow the oil price limit.
In this regard, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said that the Russian Federation will not sell oil below the price ceiling, even if it means reducing production, because this is unacceptable and contrary to the rules of the market and the World Trade Organization.
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