Publish dateWednesday 29 June 2022 - 15:52
Story Code : 255006
Zakhilwal assures Islamic Emirate of cooperation
Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir has met former minister of finance Omar Zakhilwal at the Sapedar Palace.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, Kabir and Zakhilwal voiced satisfaction with the overall security environment in Afghanistan, a government statement said.

Dr. Zakhilwal promised cooperation with the Islamic Emirate, with the deputy premier underlining the need to bolster unity among Afghans.

Kabir claimed a favourable environment existed for all individuals and ethnic communities in Afghanistan to live in peace.

He added the Islamic Emirate was endeavouring to bring lasting security, stability and justice to Afghanistan.
Zakhiwal, who decided to stay in the county after the collapse of the ex-government, has also severed as Afghanistan’s ambassador to Pakistan.
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