Publish dateWednesday 15 June 2022 - 09:28
Story Code : 254271
Lahore University, MoPH sign cooperation agreement
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Pakistan’s Lahore University and Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health.
Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, This hospital, in the west of the capital, has been supported by the Pakistan government for the past few years.

The visiting delegation agreed on Tuesday to not only continue providing the hospital with medical equipment but also turn the hospital into a training facility.
Pakistan’s ambassador to Kabul, Mansoor Ahmad Khan meanwhile said that the university would help run the hospital.

“Afghan Minister of Public Health H.E. Dr. Qalandar Ebad and a team from University of Lahore signed a Letter of Understanding for assistance in running M. A. Jinnah Hospital Kabul and upgrade its facilities to make it a teaching hospital,” Ahmad Khan tweeted on Tuesday.
He said: “The cost has not been estimated yet because it is an ongoing project, but Lahore University provides monthly assistance with medical equipment, technical equipment and training for the hospital’s doctors.”

The IEA’s Ministry of Public Health welcomed the university’s move to increase the hospital’s technical and human resources’ capacity. However, Ebad said they did not sign the MoU with the ambassador of Pakistan to Kabul nor with the Pakistan government. He said the MoU was with the university.

“We didn’t sign this agreement with the ambassador of Pakistan but with the hospital delegation from Lahore. The delegation from Lahore wants to make the hospital professional, technical and capable,” Ebad said.

In addition to improving the hospital and its services, the university will also pay the salaries of staff and other expenses. The non-payment of salaries over the past few months has been a serious cause of concern for staff at the hospital.

According to them, they have faced serious financial pressure due to not having received salaries, which were paid by the former government.

“We are asking the (new)
government to pay us our salaries because we are facing countless problems,” said Abdul Ghafoor, a health worker at the hospital.

According to the IEA officials, this type of cooperation will be extended to a number of other hospitals that were built and supported by Pakistan in the last few years.
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