Publish dateMonday 13 July 2020 - 16:02
Story Code : 214458
COVID-19: MoPH Reported 28 New Deaths In the Past 24 Hours
The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) reported 154 new cases of Coronavirus, 28 fatalities and 64 recoveries in the past 24 hours.
Officials at the ministry said they were able to test 883 samples during the day.

New cases were reported in Kabul (78), Daykundi (26), Badakhshan (11), Bamyan (11), Takhar (8), Kandahar (4), Paktia (4), Baghlan (3), Parwan (3), Kapisa (2), Helamnd (1), Panjshir (1), Zabul (1) and Nimroz (1).
Kabul also topped the list with 24 deaths reported in the province.
The country’s current tally is 34,605 confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 1,038 patients have died and 21,280 recovered.
Source : Afghan Voce Agency(AVA)
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