Feroz also appointed the medical director of the hospital as the acting chief medical officer.
According to the document, Bashir Noormal, the deputy minister of health, later reinstated the chief medical officer to his original post after Feroz went into self-isolation after being tested positive for COVID-19.
The Office of the Attorney General has said that the case is under investigation.
“The chief medical officer and a number of employees of this hospital were referred to the Attorney General by the Ministry of Public Health, and the case is under investigation,” said Jamshid Rasuli, a spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office.
“Duties of all those personnel who are under scrutiny because of corruption should be suspended. The case should be investigated freely,” said Sayed Ekram Afzali, the head of Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA).
Feroz is not willing to talk to the media about the case.
Chief medical officer Mohammadullah Alishingi, Aminullah Omarkhel, the head of the administrative board, Bashir Ahmad, the head of the services department and Sardar Mohammad, one of the directors, are among those who have been referred to the Attorney General for embezzlement of fuel funds.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)