Publish dateMonday 23 March 2020 - 12:01
Story Code : 205974
Afghanistan confirms 6 more COVID-19 cases, 40 in total
Afghanistan's Public Health Ministry on Monday reported six more confirmed cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 40 since the outbreak of the disease on February in the war-suffered country.
Three cases in western Herat province bordered with Iran, two in the neighboring Farah and another in l Ghor province have been tested positive, taking the total to 40, Public Health Ministry's spokesman Wahidullah Mayar told media.
Earlier, Afghan Public Health Minister Firuzuddin Firuz demanded the government to declare a complete lockdown in Herat province bordering Iran, which has emerged in Afghans' eyes as the COVID-19 outspread epicenter, as thousands of Afghan refugees return home every day from the neighboring country to escape the killing disease.
Mayar also confirmed the first death from COVID-19, saying a 40-year old patient has succumbed to the virus in the northern Balkh province.
As precautionary measures, the government in Afghanistan has banned wedding halls, restaurants, swimming pools, public baths and also closed down schools and educational centers for one month.
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