“Following the defeat of Barcelona against Valencia last night, two brothers disputed over the football game in Khwjaha area of 2nd Kohistan district in Kapisa province”, Mir Qais Qaderi, a spokesperson for Kapisa province told Khaama Press.
25-year old Khwaja Aminullah the younger brother injured his 30-year old elder brother Khwaja Hashmatullah with knife attack then shot him with a hunting gun, Qais Qaderi said.
“The victim has died in the way to the hospital and the murderer brother fled from the area”, Qaderi added.
The case is under the police investigation and the murderer has not been arrested yet, he said.
“Our police forces are working hard to find Khwaja Aminullah who has fled after killing his brother”, Qaderi added.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)