Publish dateSaturday 17 August 2019 - 11:06
Story Code : 190085
Sayyed Nasrallah: “Israel” Is Certain of Defeat in any War on Lebanon
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech Friday amid wide participation in a celebration held in Bint Jbeil on the 13th anniversary of the July war victory.
His eminence congratulated the Lebanese over Al-Adha Eid and assured that people in the south have been able to celebrate the Eid peacefully without any fear or concern of any attack because of the unannounced efforts of the resistance fighters, the constant presence in the field, and the ongoing armament.
He referred to the wide construction of houses and touristic sites in the south from the money and hard work of people and immigrants whom the US is targeting, and noted that this reveals the trust, certainty, and faith of people in the capability to confront and deter any attack by the enemy.
Sayyed Nasrallah called upon the Lebanese to appreciate the blessing of peace and safety by protecting it because it is the outcome of their efforts and their adherence to the golden formula (people, army, resistance). He further called on the government to hold its responsibility to protect and stabilize the current security situation in Lebanon and the South.
Hezbollah Secretary General pointed out that “the Israeli war on Lebanon in July 2016 was a continuation of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to build a “New Middle East” because reports have assured that Israel would have settled with a one day response on the capturing of two soldiers, but the US pushed it to a longer war.”
“Israel was only an implementation tool in this war” he said, adding that “among the goals of July war was putting an end to the resistance in Lebanon, toppling the Syrian regime, and defeating Iran in the region and if this project succeeded the US would have dominated our region. However, the war did not stop because of the international and Arab pressure but due to US and Israel’s recognition of their failure.”
Sayyed Nasrallah assured that “the strength of Lebanon is what brought victory… Some parts in the resistance did not want to agree on the decision of ceasefire because they were aware of the great achievements they were going to make…  Victory was the result of the faith, determination and sacrifices of the people, and first and foremost it was God’s Will, and this is the basic rule.”
His eminence added that “the significant stances of former President Emile Lahoud and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri back then and the public support played an important role for us, and if it weren’t for the absence internal unity back then, Lebanon could’ve imposed its conditions.”
He further saluted the patriotic stances of President Michel Aoun who assured that in case of another war Lebanon would triumph again, and said “with such stances, they could never defeat us.”
Hezbollah SG stressed that Israel gave up on many of its goals in order to stop war, indicating that “Israel wanted to make a military achievement in the battle field and in the area of Bint Jbeil in specific because it wanted to take control over it so that it would hold a military procession there and one of its Generals would make a speech from the center of the city and say “look at the strength of the state of Israel”.”
“They want to prove wrong the famous term “Israel is weaker than a spider web” because it worries everyone in Israel and it is inbuilt in their conscious and unconscious and is of wide focus in their studies and conferences…,” his eminence added.
He announced: “Today I tell the Israeli enemy that if you enter the south, every area will be similar to this “steadfastness square” that we are celebrating in today and even 500 times stronger, your army will be defeated and your vehicles will be destroyed,” affirming that “Hezbollah which they wanted to destroy has become a regional power.”
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “the weakness of Israel became evident after July war… today their discussions rotate around whether Israel would triumph in the third war or not. They are certain they wouldn’t triumph this is why they are trying to create a new concept of victory, to convince their people with it.”
“Look at the daily operations taking place by Palestinians against Israelis in the occupied territories by youth who don’t even exceed the age of 15. This is the new Palestinian generation… and all their efforts to topple the resistance in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran have failed, and our strength is what we should rely on,” he said, pointing out that “today Israel doesn’t consider waging a war on Lebanon because it is aware of its power of deterrence and because it is aware that any war on Lebanon would not only be against Hezbollah but it would explode the whole region.”
Moving to the Iranian developments, Sayyed Nasrallah added that “As Imam Khamenei said the price of the resistance is much lower than the price of submission, and today we stand in front of a real achievement after the US stopped talking about a war on Iran. Iran has proved its strength and it proved that it doesn’t accept to be threatened, and I assure that a war on Iran is a war on the resistance in the whole region.”
Internally, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that “we don’t act from the position of the triumphant, we are acting on the same level of other political parts and we don’t want to remove anyone from the political scene. We haven’t canceled anyone in the Shiite political scene, and the elections and freedom of protests prove that… and we call on other sects not to cancel anyone who has public presence.”
His eminence called upon the Lebanese political authorities to get together to fix the corrupted files in the country .
In conclusion, he expressed sorrow for the resignation of MP Nawwaf Al-Moussawi from the parliament for personal reasons and assured that he will continue his duties in Hezbollah, and called for voting for Sheikh Hasan Ezzedine for the parliamentary seat in Tyre area hoping that he wins.
On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah announced that another ceremony celebrating the anniversary of the second victory will take place on the 25th of August in Baalbek city in which he will be delivering a speech.
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