Publish dateTuesday 4 December 2018 - 02:27
Story Code : 175231
 Tehran has taken a clear stance on Afghanistan and also on the issue of peace in the neighboring country, spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced here on Monday.
AVA- Afghan government is well-aware of Iran’s stabilizing role in that country, Bahram Qasemi told reporters during his weekly press conference in Tehran.

Asked whether Kabul has officially called on Tehran to help settle the Afghan crisis, Qasemi said that Iran is keen on establishment of peace and stability in Afghanistan and will offer any kind of help to that country to stabilize the situation there.

Talking of the Geneva peace talks on Afghanistan, Qasemi said that the Islamic Republic supports different processes under the leadership of Afghan government and the presence of other groups in that country.

In line with bringing peace to Afghanistan, Iran is ready to continue giving its help to its neighbor, even more than the past, the spokesman added.

About Iran’s role in settlement of peace in Afghanistan, Qasemi said that the two countries have had talks on the issue, and several meetings were held in Geneva.

The process [of talks] will continue, he noted.

Touching upon the US allegations against Iran, Qasemi said that Washington has always been making accusations against Tehran.

Efforts to spread Iranophobia and weaken Iran are among the American officials’ clear policies, the diplomat added.

The US officials are talking about Iran’s missile program, which as they claim can reach some targets in Europe, while Iran and Europe are holding serious negotiations about bilateral cooperation after the US May 8 exit from the Iran Deal despite the world’s disagreement on the issue, the spokesman noted. 

“The US did not expect such a situation,” Qasemi said.

US tried to create tension in relations between Tehran, its neighbors and Europe in order to isolate Iran, but the American policy practically ended in failure, he said.

Repetition of anti-Iran accusations will be described as US fury at its unsuccessful policies on Iran, Qasemi stressed.
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