Publish dateSaturday 24 November 2018 - 02:58
Story Code : 174599
Ghani condemns Khost attack, orders investigation
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has strongly condemned the suicide blast in southeastern Khost province in Afghan National Army (ANA) mosque and directed investigation into the incident, a statement from Presidential Palace said on Friday.
AVA- Besides condemning the criminal and un-Islamic act, the president directed concerned authorities to conduct multi-dimensional investigation into the attack and punished individuals who committed negligence.
The president also directed health official to use all resources for the speedy and quick recovery of injured.  
Twenty-seven Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were killed and 79 others injured in a blast inside a military mosque in southern Khost province on Friday, security official said.
Abdullah, spokesman for ANA first bridged in the Mandozai district, said the blast took place during Jumma prayer in the ANA headquarters.
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