The Grand National Coalition recently shared thousands of documents, including National Identity Cards and stickers, which they claim are fake and could have a negative impact on the transparency of the elections.
However, the IEC Chief Gula Jan Abdul Badi Sayad said it is yet not clear if the stickers belong to the Independent Election Commission or not and that the authenticity of the stickers have not been vertified so far.
Sayad further added that the Independent Election Commission is responsible for each sticker pasted on the National Identity Card of the voters.
In the meantime, Sayad admitted that 60 booklets of stickers were lost during the voters’ registration process in various provinces of the country and possibly some of the booklets turned up in the hands of the Grand National Coalition members.
In the meantime, Sayad said the Independent Election Commission would introduce the perpetrators to the relevant authorities if it was found that the stickers are authentic and the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the stickers booklets have been ascertained.
Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)