Publish dateThursday 24 August 2017 - 15:44
Story Code : 148738
Afghan forces kill 101 insurgents in 24 hours
As many as 101 militants have been killed in Afghan forces' operations over the past 24 hours, the Defense Ministry said Thursday.

AVA- The operations including ground and air forces were carried out in Nangarhar, Kunar, Nuristan, Kapisa, Paktia, Paktika, Ghazni, Maidan Wardak, Zabul, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Badghis, Faryab, Baghlan, Sar-i-Oul, Balkh, Kunduz and Helmand provinces, the ministry said in a statement.

Forty-one more insurgents were wounded in the operations, the statement said.

Most of the militants dead in the operations were loyal to the Taliban as the statement said that the toll included seven Islamic State militants.

A Taliban commander was also killed in the operations, according to the statement.

Most of the deaths happened in Zabul province, with 30, followed by Ghazni with 17.

Based on the statement, 14 airstrikes were carried out by on militant targets in the past 24 hours.

Source : Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)
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