Publish dateFriday 18 October 2024 - 11:05
Story Code : 298819
The purpose of the new border incident; Separating Afghanistan from the body supporting the destruction of Israel
Seyed Ali Hosseini Mazari/ The heartbreaking incident of killing and wounding several Afghans near the border of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan of this country had many negative reactions in the cyberspace and most of the Persian language media, especially those opposed to the republic Islamic Iran addressed it and attributed this incident to the border forces of this country; The news that the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran have denied and the Afghan officials have also said that the dimensions of this incident are being investigated and no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.
Although there have been speculations about how this incident happened, there are points to consider and pay attention to, which make us think more about the dimensions of this heartbreaking incident and not take a hasty and emotional position or decision.
As we all know, for years now, some people in Iran and Afghanistan have been beating the drum of Afghan-phobia and Iran-phobia and are following the project of creating discord between the two nations and the governments of Iran and Afghanistan, which recently It has a wider range. A project that has foreign roots, and lately sympathizers of both countries have always emphasized that it is Israeli and warned that the project of Afghan-phobia in Iran and Iran-phobia in Afghanistan is aimed at creating differences between the two countries and also creating insecurity in Iran and Afghanistan. follows Because this conflict and insecurity in Iran and Afghanistan is not beneficial for any group or country except America and Israel. Therefore, in this especially for more than one year, they used every tactic for the conflict between Iranians and Afghans.
Sometimes they beat an Iranian and broadcast his video on cyberspace, and sometimes they beat an Afghan and made his video viral. One day they opened the rails to create a difference so that the Afghan transit train overturned and the next day they wanted to hinder the extensive economic relations between Iran and Afghanistan and especially the economic growth of Afghanistan under the title "Chabahar is being handed over to the Afghans and the Taliban" and blackmailed the people of Afghanistan. become two countries.
In the past days, Western Hebrew and Arabic news agencies published the news of the killing of a large number of Afghan nationals and attached photos of the incidents in Pakistan a few years ago, and in addition, it is not yet clear who is responsible for this incident. And what exactly happened, they also expressed their own speculations and attributed it to Iran's border forces in order to increase blackmail and affect more people from the occurrence of this incident and sow more hatred in people's hearts.
First, they made headlines that Iranian border forces shot at Afghan nationals, and then they said, "This incident was caused by a mine explosion and shooting", and it is clear that they are reporting without any accurate and reliable source and only based on a few incomprehensible videos. Once again, the goal is the same as what they are pursuing and doing in the anti-Afghan project.
It is clear that when, especially in the past year, during the anti-Afghan project, they could not fully achieve their goal, they upgraded the anti-Afghan project to a stage and started mass killing Afghans in order to kill the seeds of hatred and hatred that they had planted with blood. Afghans should irrigate and increase the scope of pressure on Iran and Afghanistan, shake the provocation-prone faults more seriously, deepen the surface cracks, and force the statesmen of the two countries and the people of both sides to react more strongly.
In this sensitive time and despite the great developments in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran plays the most fundamental role in these developments and is now fighting on several fronts, hard and soft, hot and cold, and on the other hand, to confront Israel and support Lebanon and Gaza needs precision and concentration, the enemies of Islam are working hard to disrupt these equations and will certainly not hesitate to take any action.
Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is a symbol of resistance, unity, solidarity, empathy and an example of struggle and freedom and a myth of support for the oppressed of the world. In the current situation, the Islamic Republic of Iran has changed the image of the West and its supporters for years as a violator of human rights, anti-humanity, and supporter of terrorism in the minds of the world, and now it has become a center of attraction for the world's freedom seekers and a symbol. of humanity and the supporter of human rights and anti-terrorism, and this face is more in the focus of free nations' attention every day than the previous day, and this has made America, Israel and the supporters of these barbaric anthropomorphs so nervous that in order to distort this face, He uses any tactic and will not stop implementing any anti-human project.
Today, after 20 years of American presence, Afghanistan has tasted the sweet taste of security and peace, and its government and people are progressing and developing without dependence on America and the West, and they openly reject the presence of America by their side, and more and more every day. They show how far away they are from the West and America. Today, Afghanistan has also shown the world that the presence of the United States in the last twenty years has inflicted fatal blows on its body, and it shows how it is developing and progressing today, when the United States has been humiliatingly expelled from Afghanistan, and a message from He sent the spirit of brutality and looting and destruction of infrastructure by and with the presence of America and a message of prosperity, development, security and peace without the presence of America and without the help of America and its allies to the world, and this peak of America's humility and the peak of the greatness of Afghanistan and the patient people, with It is pious and resistant to occupation, and America's fear of the export of this model of anti-occupation and success, prosperity and freedom without the presence of America has caused it not to give up Afghanistan and intends to enter our country into conflict.
Now that Iran-Afghanistan relations have been at their best for the past 23 years, and the good relations are expanding day by day, and on the other hand, now that the arrogant spirit of the central government has been revealed to everyone, especially after Afghanistan's support for Lebanon's Hezbollah and then their support for Iran's missile attacks against Israel's usurping regime, the enemy decided to stop this growing process and this all-round alliance and separate Afghanistan from the body of supporters of Gaza and Palestine and the destruction of Israel. And it happened that we witnessed the mass killing of several of our compatriots at the border of Saravan and we see that the Western-affiliated media try to provoke and mislead both sides in the decision with conflicting news and old photos and videos. They have receptions.
Certainly, this heartbreaking incident will have consequences both at the level of the two countries and at the global level, and the enemy is trying to put a false mask on Iran's face under the title of racism and violation of international laws and human rights. to remove from Iran what has been engraved in the minds of the people of the world in these last few months.
On the other hand, by pumping contradictory and false news, he tries to worry the public mind and pushes forward the project of creating a conflict between the two countries with more intensity.
Anyway, all these events show that Iran and Afghanistan are on the right path and the enemy is nervous about this forward and right movement and tries to mislead this path with a new attack every time. There are two countries who do not have the necessary political insight and insight to analyze and investigate the events, and they throw water into the enemy's mill and become enemies, intentionally or unintentionally, by disturbing the public mind and disrupting the peace of the people.
Now is the time to invite both sides to calm down and to help the statesmen to make better decisions and adopt wise positions, and to say that the freedom of Jerusalem has a price and great and extraordinary steps have been taken on the way to its liberation and the destruction of Israel. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the main pillar of this struggle, and Afghanistan, as a very influential neighbor in regional developments and the thorn in the side of America and Israel, need internal peace and security on their borders.
The time has come for everyone to first work on improving their personal capacities and spiritual growth, and then to the best of their ability, even if it is only a Facebook account, to explain Jihad and to participate in these great goals, even if they have to work hard to achieve these great goals.
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