Publish dateSunday 23 June 2024 - 08:49
Story Code : 292307
The continuation of Turkish trade with the Zionist regime after the dramatic termination of relations
The "Middle East Eye" website reported on the continuation of trade between Turkey and the Zionist regime through third countries and wrote that according to the data, Turkey's exports to Greece reached 375 million dollars to reach Israel in May, which is 71% It is more than 219 million dollars in the same month last year.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Last Friday, the "Middle East Eye" website wrote in a report referring to the continuation of trade between Turkey and the Zionist regime through third countries: two Turkish businessmen said that since the beginning of May, Turkish goods from Greece and other neighboring countries have been re-routed to reach Israel. The data shows that Turkey's exports to Greece reached 375 million dollars in May, which is 71% more than 219 million dollars in the same month last year.

The above report shows that for some reasons, Turkey has tried to cut off or reduce its commercial relations with the Zionist regime, but this process is followed through third countries.

Why the announcement of termination of business relations between Türkiye and Tel Aviv
During the past 8 months, since the war in Gaza and the countless crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the people of this region, Ankara has adopted various policies; From trying to mediate between the parties to playing a role as a peacekeeping military force or a guarantor of the ceasefire that he has followed in Syria, none of them reached a result and neither the Islamic world nor the Western world paid much attention to it.

As a result of the developments during the 7 months of the Gaza war, Erdogan, in addition to unprecedented verbal attacks on Netanyahu, who called him the butcher of Gaza, the Hitler of the times, or a barbarian and bloodthirsty, was forced to make a difficult decision, and that was to cut off business relations with the regime. He was a Zionist so that he could continue to claim the leadership of supporting the Palestinian nation.

Did business really stop?
Immediately after announcing the termination of trade relations with the Zionist regime, Erdoğan met with the members of Musiad (Association of Independent Industrialists and Merchants of Turkey), who are conservatives close to the government, and said: In the first stage, export restrictions to Israel will be imposed on 54 product groups. and since yesterday (May 2nd) we have stopped exporting and importing with Israel and covered all products. We will manage the consequences of this phase in coordination and consultation with our business world. We have only one goal here, and that is to force the Netanyahu government, which is out of control with the unconditional military and diplomatic support of the West, to a ceasefire. If a ceasefire is declared and sufficient humanitarian aid enters Gaza, the goal will be achieved.

According to Tasnim, Erdogan's statements contained two messages: the severance of relations will be temporary until the end of the war and a ceasefire, and secondly, this situation should be managed with the cooperation of businessmen.

In this regard, two points are important: finding a new commercial market requires several months and it is not possible to quickly change orders, and the other thing is that many of the goods ordered by the Zionist regime were produced in Turkish factories and ready for export when the news broke. It has been published; So you have to think for them.

It is natural that the best way in this regard is to send part of the prepared goods through a third country; The same thing that was done and followed during the cold relations with Egypt and especially with Saudi Arabia.

Quarterly trade with the Zionist regime through a third country
In this regard, Reuters wrote in a report a week after the announcement of the termination of Turkey's trade relations with the Zionist regime: a source in the Turkish Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday, Thor 20 that it is "not possible" to reduce the ban on Turkish exports to Israel, but Ankara allows companies to Continue to fulfill orders already contracted with Israel through a third country for a period of 3 months. In a document obtained by Reuters, it is noted that the Turkish Ministry of Commerce has set a three-month deadline for companies that export to Israel.

In this regard, according to the media reports and the statements of Turkish businessmen, although the trade with the Zionist regime has decreased, it still continues and is followed by third countries, including Greece, Cyprus (Northern), Azerbaijan, Hungary, Egypt and Jordan, because Musiad In these countries, it has created wide and deep-rooted business networks.

by Tasnim; In general, it can be said that although the trade relations between Turkey and the Zionist regime have decreased, but they have not stopped, and for at least 3 months since the announcement of the suspension of trade (beginning of the fifth month of AD), this opportunity is available for Turkish businessmen to sell their goods through third countries. send to the occupied territories.
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